Chapter Six

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'Kari?' Jay's voice was a little slurred from tiredness, and I snapped out of my half-sleep and squeezed his hand.

'Morning, sleepyhead.' I whispered, stroking his face. He smiled dazedly, then sat up, and I sat beside him.

'How long've you been up for?'

'An hour...hour-and-a-half, maybe.'

'Damn it, I really did need a nap,' he mumbled, and I chuckled softly, leaning against him. I glanced around the small room - small enough that my bench on one side of the room and Jay's on the other took up most of the available space. It was all bright white, aside from us and a few blinking dials and buttons. There was a door between the two beds.

I took his hand, and he rubbed under my eyes. 'You tired?'

'I was dozing off before you woke up.' I admitted. He pulled me in close.

'Is it weird that we're on a spaceship hurtling through the solar system and all I wanna do is hold you right now, and let you fall asleep next to me?'

'Is it weird that I want the same?'

'Does it matter?' Jay lay back on the bench, and I squeezed in beside him, our bodies pressed tightly together. He slipped his arm around me. 'Sleep, Kari. You'll need the rest.'

I didn't need to be told twice.

∗ ∗ ∗

'Kari? I know you're tired, Meg, but we've got five minutes 'till touchdown. I let you sleep for as long as I could.'

I moaned, and Jay's fingers were warm on my face. I opened my eyes resignedly, and Jay smiled, his face barely inches from mine. I sat up, stretching and cracking my knuckles. Jay slipped his arm around my shoulders, and then pulled my head against his shoulder. 'Oh, God.' I murmured.

'Hey, it's OK, Kari. You got it, OK? We're gonna be just fine. I'll be right here-' he tapped the black earpiece built into my backpack and attached by a small wire, currently draped over my shoulder. '-the whole time.'

I sighed. 'I know, Jay. I know.'

'Are you scared?'

'No. Nervous.'

'You'll be fine.'

'I would not send you in there if I were not one hundred percent sure you were ready, Megan.' Norin's voice from the doorway. I looked up.

'Thanks, Norin.'

'We have touched down, actually. We have a six minute window to get you onto the Kayre's ship.'

'Uh, OK.' I said. I scrambled to my feet, adjusted my armour (which was a little crooked from me lying on it in my sleep). Norin handed me two knives, which I slipped into my wrist and calf sheaths precisely. I reached for my tool belt, and slipped it around my waist.

Jay stroked my arm, and I caught him in a brief kiss.

Norin pressed the mask into my hands, and I just stared at it for a long moment. I'd gotten used to it, eventually, but I still didn't like it.

Jay lifted the mask from my hands and strapped it to my face gently. 'Is that secure, Kari?'

I nodded. I felt pressure on my shoulders as the canister for the mask was heaved into place. I breathed deeply, through my mouth, and Jay slipped my eye shields around my face.

'You're gonna do great, Kari.' Jay's voice crackled to life in my ear as he pulled his microphone around to his face. 'You've got this, OK?'

I took his hand hastily in my own and traced familiar letters into his palm. I L-O-V-E Y-O-U. He hugged me close, a little awkwardly, and I stroked his back. He pulled my head against his shoulder, I closed my eyes, and he rocked us from side to side gently.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2022 ⏰

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