Encounter with Doma

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Kanae POV:

          I ran for the entire day making it to Mt. Sagiri at sunset I knew that an old trainer lived on the other side of the mountain and in a pinch might come to help. I wondered through the village searching for any sign of the demon, there was patches of snow all over the town. Looking around more I saw many people in cloaks walking to a specific building. I followed closely when I got into the building I saw a young boy sitting in very fancy chair almost fit for the emperor. 

          Looking closer I saw in his eyes the Kanji for Upper Two, I hid my blade and went in for a closer look

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          Looking closer I saw in his eyes the Kanji for Upper Two, I hid my blade and went in for a closer look. I snuck around so as to go as un-noticed as possible, some practice with Tengen paying off. I had to find out if these people were in danger or not he wasn't doing anything but sitting there and taking in their praise. I don't know what it was but his smile felt hollow almost like he was doing it forcefully. Then I over heard the follower bowing directly in front of him, it was a women's voice, but she was spilling her heart out to him. Telling him all of her troubles from her life when she was done only then did the boy speak.

          "This is why I go around to all of these villages, my poor poor friends you have suffered enough." The boy said in a calming falsely reassuring voice. "All of you close your eyes and think of what your paradise would be and the next you open them you shall be there." All the followers have bowed their heads to the ground presumable with their eyes closed. I looked to the boy as he stood up and his body began to grow and grow to the size of a man from his robe he plucked a golden looking fan and continued to grow a bit more letting the robe fall away. Until before me stood this. 


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          "Blood Demon Art-Freezing Clouds," He said and directed the clouds freezing everyone. it was so cold I was forced to close my eyes. When I looked again the entire room was frozen and everyone was gone in a flash. "Itadakimasu," then he laugh a cold psychotic laugh. I knew then that I was not getting out of here with out a fight, I pulled my sword to a normal position and drew it. 

          "Flower Breathing, Fourth form: Crimson Hanagoromo," I said and rushed in to deliver a single sword slash that curved and twisted elegantly aiming for his neck.

          "Wintery Icicles," He said maliciously as he summoned icicles with hopes of impaling me.

          I quickly changed my attack to slash and destroy the icicles. "Second form: Honorable shadow plum" 

          "Oh you're quite the beauty aren't you, Why don't you just give up now and I can spare you turning you into a demon?" he asked me.

         "I would never let myself become a demon such as yourself, Flower breathing, fifth form: Peonies of futility," I called out unleashing a flurry of nine slashes flowing and weaving on each other. With this attack I managed to sever one of his arms, injure one leg, tore his chest open and take my blade to his throat. Which my blade simply pinged off of. He had coated his throat in ice at the last second.

         "Oh well shame such beauty will have to be destroyed, Frozen lotus." He said Delivering a slash from his fan knocking me back and sending razor sharp shard of ice hurling at me. I didn't have the time to react all of them hit me slicing cuts along my face, torso, arms and legs all of which thankfully were shallow. 

         "Fourth form," I said rushing in to deliver an attack which he countered with more of his Ice shards. "Second form," this time I was fast enough I succeeded in counter attacking and destroying the Ice shards. 

          "Well done, but I am afraid I will have to wrap this up so Scattering Lotuses" he said sending forth a blizzard of ice shards. 

          "Sixth form: Whirling peach," I called out evading the shards as best I could I still got slashed many times these ones digging deeper than the last, but I twisted and spun my body using all of my weight to cut off his head. 

          "Cold White Princesses," He said and suddenly I was pushed back by a massive amount of freezing cold wind. I was down I couldn't stand I had suffered too much blood loss, and he knew it. "Goodbye little demon slayer, Barren Hanging Garden" He yelled preparing to unleash the final blow I closed my eyes waiting for the end but it never came. 

          "Sun Breathing, Third form Modified: Raging Sun" I heard and looked over in time to see what appeared to be the Ronin Slayer unleash two vertical slashes which cut off Upper two's arms. 

          "Gah, It burns." He yelled out, "god why can't I regenerate guh."

          "Today I am giving you a choice leave now and I will not hunt you anymore today or I kill you now" The Ronin said in a deadly calm voice. 

          "Fine," Upper two said then he whistled and behind him a sliding door appeared which he entered and it was gone. 

          "Hm by the looks of it I will need to take you to her," The Ronin said and began to write out a note. "Call your crow" He told me and I obliged. He then tied the note to her leg. "Take this to whoever would be concerned for your friend,"

           "Caw," she said and flew away to presumably my family. 

           "I will be taking you somewhere and hopefully she can fix you without using the last resort," He said to me as he picked me up and ran us away at faster speeds than I had ever seen any slayer reach. I must have passed out cause the last thing I remember was him holding and running me to god knows where. 

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