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[Disclaimer: Do not copy, alter or translate any of my works, thanks!]

The miniscule shift in the atmosphere of the room got to you every time, no matter how many occasions and variants of it you had already witnessed. A presence so subtle that it took individuals with a sharp mind and presence to grasp it before it sunk into the already static air. The whimpering mess of a man currently kneeling on the expensive flooring of Hotel Liber's executive penthouse suite was clearly not perceptive to the narrowing of your boss' eyes that brought on the uptick in aggression. Not even the sharper than usual drag of his cigarette gave the cowering man any more of a hint to the fact that he'd just made his situation and thus outcome worse to a degree. What a moron.

Even if you had had your back turned to the entire room, you would have been able to pinpoint the exact moment the fate of your visitor was to take a turn for the worse. While you were currently standing behind the man seated at the beautiful desk dominating the room and you could have caught a view of his profile, you already knew exactly that his brows had drawn down just slightly. You knew the tilt of his chin and exhale of smoke through his nose as his jaw was tightly set so as not to explode instantly.

So it was not unexpected when he signalled to you, the small flick of his wrist, a gesture that could have meant anything but was so familiar every man in the room knew he meant you. The sheath's fine material felt cool against your fingers as you took a step back to gently take the katana from its holder behind you. When you arrived back at your boss' right side, the utterly beautiful weapon exchanged hands. Another practised move that made your guest shift back and panic to tinge his wide-eyed gaze was the fluidity and sheer dominance that your leader exuded by getting up from his seat.

His half smoked cigarette went to you as part of the exchange. Even after so many of these kinds of meetings, the majority of the other henchmen in the room expected you to put it out or rest it in the crystal-cut ashtray in front of you. The act of smoking in a tense meeting such as the present was usually strictly reserved to the head of the organisation, everything else an insult to his influence and reputation. Only a few of the many men in the room truly knew how much of Dongcheon's status extended to you, hence the diverse eyes that snapped to you instead of your boss when you raised the smoke to your own lips, savouring the harsh flavour.

The click of his shoes against the floor brought them back to the slow saunter, you could exactly mentally picture the small smirk tugging at his lips while he made his way over to the real star of the show. The amusement was lost to most as they were more transfixed by the still murderous look and brooding rage that made his steps' echo just that little bit more intimidating.

Stopping on the other side of the desk at the top of the few steps still separating him from the increasingly frightened idiot of a man, he gently unsheathed the katana, studying its intricate forged structure in the warm light of the suite. A stark contrast to the utterly cold aura that just barely managed to cover the heat of anger beneath.

"Please, Sir. I didn't mean to insult anyone. Please forgive me!" the kneeling man tried to talk his way out of what you knew was inevitable anyway. The long laceration on the back of your left hand and arm throbbed as to remind you of its presence beneath the soft gauze covering it. You tucked your arm behind your back to distract yourself from the feeling, instead focussing on the taste of the tobacco you inhaled.

Languidly, as if disinterested, your boss lifted his gaze from the glinting blade and zeroed in on the man opposite him while sheathing the blade momentarily.

"You should have thought about that before acting foolishly. Were you raised by animals or where is your sense of manners? Never heard of loyalty either, have you?" he spoke calmly, descending the steps slowly.

Dongcheon's Dagger [Choi Mujin x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now