UNION [합체]

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[A/N: This part is NSFW and contains explicit topics, so if you're not 18 or over, please refrain from reading!]

Everything was irritating you, even the piece of hair that stubbornly refused to stay where it was supposed to be and that you blew out of your face with more force every time until you gave up with a huff. It didn't stop your pacing, though, you were wondering at what point the floor of your small apartment would show signs of wear with how many rounds you had made thus far.

Mujin had ordered you to stay at home for a few days after the doctors had cleared you the morning following your return. The wound against your side was healing fairly quickly as the knife Gangjae had used hadn't been too long and thus avoided doing severe damage except making you bleed like crazy.

It had been three days since Taeju had driven you home, Mujin accompanying you personally to see that you indeed went home. He even sent someone to bring you some food so that you didn't even need to leave to get groceries. While considerate, it only annoyed you now. The four walls of your apartment seemed to crowd in on your mind that was constantly running at a thousand miles an hour, pondering about what to do about Gangjae and the stunt he and his gang had pulled on you.

After five minutes of forcing yourself to sit down at your small kitchen table, you let out a massive sigh. This was it, you'd go insane. So you carefully dressed in your usual suit and immediately felt a hundred times better already. There was something about the neatly pressed fabric that brought the confidence back to your restless limbs.

Since no one knew you were coming in, you took the chance to ride your bike for a change after observing the evening that had turned out to be a picture perfect late autumn dream. The air certainly had an edge to it, but the clearness of the slowly turning sky and crisp breeze you felt against your body were a nice change. Also, the bike underneath you comforted your thoughts as you weaved through the traffic with an easy fluidity. Finally having something under your strict control after the last few days invigorated you.

A few heads turned when you walked into Liber's lobby with a hardened expression only made more vicious by the cut still standing out along your cheekbone. No one dared to interrupt your confident stride towards the elevators. You were ready to face your boss and to demand an opportunity to get back at Gangjae, there was no denying your claim to revenge. The fucker had to pay for what he tried to do to you and your organisation.

As the heavy doors to his office were opened for you and you walked in with a firm stride and renewed confidence, Mujin was not keen on seeing you back so soon.

"What about resting didn't you understand?" he asked with a sigh, brows drawn down as he met you where you had stopped in front of his desk with a few steps.

"You know as well as I do that I can't do that with Gangjae still walking around claiming he" you raised both arms to air-quote "'finally killed the bitch'. We can use that to our advantage, Sir.".

Irritation marked his face when he took hold of your arms as he stepped closer to you, hands closing around your upper arms firmly.

"Don't 'Sir' me. I know what you're doing." a threatening edge had seeped into his tone but you weren't afraid in the least, the urge to avenge burning within. You held against his stern gaze and tried to twist out of his grip to protest, but he just held you tighter through your struggle with an unfair ease.

"I just want to do something. Please." you ground out harshly, angry at your diminished physical state and non-existent mental challenge. Mujin's grip on you softened only slightly when his eyes commanded yours silently. "You've done enough the past few days," his chin tilted down slightly and his brows drew up a notch. "not only have you single-handedly made your way out of a risky situation, but you protected our own and the organisation while in turn endangering yourself. I'm not saying that we didn't trust in your plan, but I was shocked when I heard that they had taken you." he reasoned with you.

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