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It came as your boss had predicted, the lying woman was neither hard to find nor attempted to evade your prosecution. Mujin's men had kept you up to date on her whereabouts and if she knew that she had been tailed, there was no indication other than mild surprise on her face when she saw you leaning against her car casually. This time, sleep had come over you easily the previous night and you were well rested for your mission - no more dark circles or ruffled thoughts. You were the perfect image of calmness and the crisp lines of your best suit stood out against the red varnish of her car.

Clearly she had copped on that something was up but you had to give it to her, she kept her composure, probably as she thought it couldn't be too bad a thing if you had been sent. That moment was actually the first time she and you had been alone, you had barely ever exchanged any words - the different positions within the organisation hadn't posed a chance. With a slight narrow of your eyes and a quick gesture of your hand you indicated that she should get into the passenger seat as you were taking no risks even if she had been cooperative so far.

Not a single word was uttered on your drive across the city and her gaze remained out of the passenger side window the entire time, following the glittering lights of the city's skyline from where you passed one of the major bridges connecting the boroughs. Mujin had you wait for her as she finished a meeting in the late afternoon but due to the season turning into winter soon, the light had already faded by the time you arrived at Hotel Liber. The huge complex was bathed in its golden light and loomed over you in all its prestige as you pulled into the driveway.

Every hotel staff and member on duty seemed to have caught wind of something brewing as no one even tried to intercept you when you led the other woman to the elevators. They couldn't have known any more as countless eyes followed you anyway, probably puzzled as to why you were the one leading her with a hand loosely on her elbow instead of falling into step behind her as your different ranks should dictate.

Both of you paid them no mind, you focussed on your task as you kept all your senses on high alert still and her too deep in thought. As the elevator let you step into the softly lit executive foyer, a deep sigh escaped the woman beside you when the double doors at the end of it were opened.

Choi Mujin had been awaiting you though he remained seated behind his grand desk when you led the older woman inside and took a last drag of his cigarette that he exhaled slowly. By now you had a good grasp of etiquette and while you hadn't been taught more than basic common courtesy before joining Dongcheon, you immediately knew Mujin wasn't hesitating. It was a clear indication of his dominance as he took his time mustering the traitor, still not moving or even addressing her.

Then his eyes followed the connection of your hand and her elbow onto your own form. The way he seemed so composed and neutral was fascinating as he treated you to the same scrutiny. The miniscule shiver curled around your shoulders again, prompting them to set even straighter. Dark eyes met yours across the desk and against your usual behaviour, you tipped your chin forward to gaze downwards in a small bow. A sign of respect adding to the absolute authority.

"Leave us."

When your collective leader rose from his position you could hear the other men that had still been standing near the entrance leave the room on cue. From your peripheral you took notice of the look that the other woman sent you, she clearly expected you to leave as well, now that your task had been fulfilled. Instead, Mujin only had to nod to you lightly and you stepped to the side, crossed your hands in front of you and overlooked the scene with a calm expression. The leader had specifically ordered for only you to remain present, his courtesy to you as the initiator.

Though there was no doubt in her betrayal, he had to confirm it with the confrontation, everything else would not serve its purpose in handling the situation. The disloyalty had to be served with appropriate justice.

Dongcheon's Dagger [Choi Mujin x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now