Chapter 9: Beginning to Miss Me?

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It was finally morning. It still feels surreal what happened yesterday.

But today is a new day and I wasn't gonna let yesterday decide what I would do today. And today will be the start of something strange, something new. I get to visit town often now.

I got up, brushed my teeth, showered, did all that. I went to my dresser to find something to wear. I picked out a white top dazzled with flowers and paired it with a y/f/c dress. I fixed my hair up in my favorite style. I didn't put makeup on.

I don't normally wear makeup, not even at yesterday's party. As much as I don't like to brag, I gotta admit my skin is clear as the sky (or acne if you want it, nothing wrong with it😊 with or without, y/n is stunning cuz they are Camilo's dream partner lol, whatever you picture it as or use yourself)

I sat in front of the mirror, adjusting my shirt and I put on a necklace. It was from my mother and father. It was a pure silver necklace with a butterfly in the center. The butterfly had two dents in it. One had a small diamond in it. The other was empty, like it was missing. I always assumed the other diamond went missing during the shipment.

I walked downstairs and David was already eating breakfast with Abuelo. David gave me a wave and a smile. Abuelo looked up, still pissed about what I did yesterday.

"Glad to see you're up and ready. Come and eat before you leave" Abuelo said, taking another bite of his food.

I began to make my plate, but Abuelo's gaze felt like it never left me. As if he lost all trust from me to do anything right...then again he is letting me go to town, regardless of what happened. I sat down and began to eat, keeping my head lowered down.

"Y/n, when you go to town today. Make sure to find the market. I have a lot of things I will need. Here" Abuelo said, handing me a list of things I needed.

I skimmed through the long list. Onions.......corn......seasonings.....alcohol? That surprised me. I thought Abuelo gave up his drinking, he gave them up when he took me and David in. Well, he slipped up sometimes, but I guess he's still stressed about yesterday.

I finally finished breakfast and began to head out the door. But David wanted to come along too

"Abuelo I want to go to town too" he pouted, looking at me to help him out

"No, your sibling can do it. You have chores to do" Abuelo said

David simply went "hmph". I patted his head before giving him a quick hug and out the door I went.

Every step I took, the more nervous I got. Not because of the townspeople or the new environment, but Camilo. He was still at the front of my mind

***time skip***

I finally arrived. It was still early, so people were still preparing for the day ahead. When I got closer to the town square, Julieta was still there setting things up. I walked up to her

Julieta noticed me and gave a small wave "hello again!" She said happily

"Hola Julieta, need any help setting up?" I asked, noticing she was setting up her table

"I would appreciate that. Usually my girl, Mirabel, would help, but she went off to find Luisa." she said, handing me a tablecloth while she was holding cups and a large bag of food

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