ch.5 Instantaneous Impetuous Turn

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Zayn Malik

I listened closely to the drip-dropping of the water falling down from the ceiling and into the tin-can bucket that had been laid down just below of the hole of the roof.  My eyes darted over to the window, the pitter-patter of the hard London nighttime rain splashing against the glass. 

The cold icy winter water raced down the hardness of the windows, creating trickles of lines--both straight, vertical, and horizontal--against the glass that fogged as the wind rushed against the cold water, plastering it down to the material and leaving it there to show no view of the inside or outside world.

I sighed inwardly as my icy blue eyes flickered down to the dark wood floorboards.  The crispness of the fresh wood filled my nostrils, running down my lungs and padding down a sweet sensation that would stay with me throughout the stormy night.  The cabin was inlaid with an eerie silence, raging throughout my eardrums and pecking me the wrong way as I straightened my posture on the sofa where I sat, and recollected myself to stand and trail towards the music box.

I gradually turned the nobs of the old music box, steadily holding it straight so it wouldn't turn and make a stomach-churning screeching noise that would blow out my sound waves.  I wrapped my cold fingertips gently around the darker nob, pressing it in and pushing it out inch by inch until I heard the constant deadlocked rigid patterns of static radiating through the radio.

I flicked through the exiguous number of radio channels on the pad of stations the music box provided for me to choose from.  My eyes scanned the numbers on the stations and my ears listened to the soft melodic vibrations of old-timey slow songs that were played this time of night on radios that should have stopped working years ago.

The turbulent course of thunderous tremulous winds thrashed against the cabin walls, bombarding the small cabin with howling, shrilling high-pitched noises bushing in the air.  I glared out the window, only to see a flickering flash of illuminating irradiate glowing lightening flash in my eyes as the thunder bellowed and the rain clicked in transition to the storm.

It had been a year since the boys and I had taken that long planned out camping trip in the woods. The camping trip that led us to finding the girl here with us--there with them--today. I, on the other hand, sat alone in this lonesome vacant cabin that had been purchased several years ago by a long time family friend.

We had only known her for a short amount of time, though, that didn't take us any step farther from the destination we were all headed with her.  I, myself, had no apparent clue to what we were digging into--taking this girl into our home, acting as if she's one of our own whilst we had only met her recently.

I had never expected things to take such an instantaneous impetuous turn.  We all knew that our fan base was beginning to amplify, our recognition and fame was commencing to magnify, and our aloofness in separation and concealment was preparing to dwindle.

But it was now that we inaugurated to expand in a series of events that we could not quite yet handle.  As five young lads, newly open to the world as our names increased in the well-known knowledge of others, we chose now to plummet into a universe we had not yet discovered.

A universe of controversy between the rightful owners of human beings.  The rightful owner of the girl who had come into our home in which we had welcomed her with opened arms.  Although they, had welcomed her with opened arms.  I preferred to stand alone on the sidelines, watching the crisp rain slide down the windows at it had done most days in London.  Whilst everyone else had done as they'd done, leaving me alone to myself.  The way I very much liked it.

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