ch.4 It's All Liam's Fault

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Louis Tomlinson

"I can't believe you wrecked my car!" I shout, panting as I run over to my Porsche Boxster and throw my arms around the hood, screaming out loud in pain and agony as the motor makes drowning, bubbling sounds. 

"Your the one who crashed into me!" Liam exclaims, throwing his hands up in the air like a wild animal. I scowl at him and shine my flashlight in his face causing him to shield his eyes with his arms and take a few steps back. I smile in accomplishment but then turn back to my messed up Porsche.

"So I expect this will be fixed within the range of two days, yeah?" I question Liam. He gives me a 'What the hell is wrong with you' look and I scrunch my eyebrows together.

"You have high hopes Tomlinson," he points out and I shrug my shoulders. I've never exactly met a person with low hopes.

I sigh to myself and fold my arms over my chest, looking around the empty highway and remembering why I was here anyway. To see if Liam was okay. Here he is screaming at me whereas he could have been dead. All in all, he should be thanking me. Praising. Honoring.

Your sass is showing. I smile to myself and receive odd looks from Liam as the girl with red hair stands next to my car, staring at the two of us as we continue to have a silent fight between who crashed into who.

Obviously it's all Liam's fault. He's so irresponsible.

"Are you alright?" Liam questions the girl. She shrugs her shoulders but nods, walking over to me and taking my flashlight, shining it in on the car and looking at the damage caused by Liam.

"Do you see what he did to my beautiful car?" I ask her.

"You must be so devastated at the moment," she says, nodding to my question. I sigh and begin fake sobbing into her shoulder whilst she pats my back, trying to comfort me while I grieve in agony.

I feel someone pull me back by my jacket hood and I clutch my hands around my neck, pulling the fabric away as Liam pulls me back tighter and I make choking, gurgling noises come out of my mouth as Liam attempts to murder me. "Call the navy!" I shout at the girl who just stands there, looking bored.

"If we put his body in the car and drive away no one will suspect a thing!" the girl says to Liam and my eyes widen in horror and shock. He nods to her and throws me into the backseat of Zayn's car which I took to find them, and gets into the drivers side as the girl gets in the back with me.

"What's your name again?" I ask. 

"Alana," she answers me quietly and I nod. I sigh to myself and lean my head against the window, pushing my cheek up against the cold glass that has consumed the frozen night air that runs throughout the empty highway. 

The sky is pitch black. There are no starts outside tonight but it's not like I was expecting or hoping for them. What can they do for me? They can't make me happy. I don't understand why people find stars so amazing; so fascinating. Because to me, they're just another aspect of the world.


The car ride to Simon's house is silent all except for the overplayed remixed songs blasting through the radio. The only enjoyable moment is when our song Moments plays on the radio and I hum along quietly to the lyrics. Alana doesn't say a word throughout the ride so I decide that it's time for someone to say something.

"Have you ever been pregnant?" 

"I am pregnant..." Alana answers, trailing off. My eyes go wide and I look over to Liam who starts choking on air at my question and her answer. 

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