- Chapter 1: Sibling Fight -

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- Jasmine's Pov -

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- Jasmine's Pov -

I woke up to the sunshining through my curtains and i know now i am awake i won't be able to go back to sleep so i reluctantly climb out of bed with a groan then go to the bathroom for a shower. Once i finished my shower i got dressed (Outfit Above) and went downstairs for some much needed coffee because last night was a sleepless night for me and i didn't fall asleep till three this morning due to the fact it was my first night sleeping in my cabin. Also i was alone even though Jacob should have been here like we planned so i wouldn't be alone but lately he has been acting werid and his physical appearance has changed alot. It's like he is going through the exact same thing my childhood friend Paul did a couple months ago but the only difference is Paul didn't shut me out and he didn't make me feel invisible like Jacob is. I have tried to ask dad what is going on but he just says he can't tell me which has hurt me alot because we have always told each other everything and now we hardly talk. Everything has just been building up inside me and last night i snapped and want some answers so today is the day i will be getting those answers.

I drank the rest of my coffee and left my cabin making sure to lock the door then i jumped on my pitbike and race to dad's house. I didn't put my helmet on because i don't really need to wear it being the rare shape-shifter i am and i heal really quick. When i get to dad's house the first thing i see is Bella's truck and the front door is wide open. Then i see something that makes my heart feel like it's in my throat there is my dad laying on the floor with his wheelchair on it's side. Oh hell no bitch! I jump of my pitbike letting it fall on it's side then run over and help dad back into his wheelchair while he tries to talk to me but i ignore him because i'm to mad to listen to him right now.

Once he is safely in his wheelchair again i go and check on Jacob only to find him asleep in his room only on a pair of shorts with all his windows open. Suddenly i hear Bella screaming outside which makes me run out the back of the house with dad following me as fast as he can in a wheelchair. Just as i get outside i see Bella slap Paul who instantly starts shaking like i do when i phase shit Paul and Jacob are shape-shifter's and there might be others. I hear Paul snarl and growls so i run to him use my enhanced speed wanting to be there to stop him from doing anything that might get him into trouble. I stand infront of him facing Bella who is now looking at me wide eyed probably because i ran over here quicker then a normal human would but right now i don't give a shit.

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