- Chapter 12: Rosalie and Emmett -

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- Jasmine's Pov -

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- Jasmine's Pov -

Alice was so careful putting my face mask on and she didn't attempt to put it near the wounds then while we waited for the face mask to do its thing she told me how she wants to go look around some shops here in la push. She also begged me to go shopping with her in seattle to have some bonding time and i couldn't say no to her so i said yes then she told me Jasper would be going with us to be the bag boy. That made him start to whine from the kitchen about not wanting to go which made me and Alice tell in to suck it up like the tough vamp he is. What shocked me the most is when she put the mask on my face her body temperature didn't even bother me not even once infact i leaned into her touch. It felt nice against my 108 degree temperature and every time she touched me i found myself leaning my face into her touch chuffing and almost purring which she would laugh at every time.

After the face mask was done Alice peeled it of my face and i did try to tell her that i could do it myself but she just kept slapping my hand away telling me to hush. When our faces were clean Alice grabbed some nail polish but then she suddenly put it down making me raise a eyebrow at her in confusion. That confusion disappeared when i hear incoming footsteps and paws hitting the forest floor from outside. I jump up of the couch and push Alice down next to Jasper then i stood infront of them protectively because i will not let anyone hurt them even though they can protect themselves.

The front door opens and in walks Sam with Emmett behind him who is holding Rosalie to his side while he holds her ripped off arm in his other hand. Sam leads them over to the empty couch infront of the fire and in a matter of seconds Emmett has got Rosalie laying on the couch. Her ripped off arm is now back in place and all you can hear is cracks and groans as her arm reattaches itself. Emmett drops to his knees beside her and starts running his finger's through her hair while saying sweetnothings.

I look behind me only to see Alice with venom in her eyes as she watches her sister in pain and i didn't like seeing the bubbly happy Alice looking so sad. I sit down next to her then hug her tightly and she put her head in my neck dry sobbing. I rub her back trying to comfort her and it works, when her sobbing slows down i hand her to Jasper so he can comfort his long time friend and sister. Then i go and stand next to Sam only for him to pull me infront of him so my back is against his chest with his arms around my waist.

"Will she be okay" I asked looking at Rosalie worriedly

"She will be okay once her arm is reattached properly, it takes about an hour for it to heal properly" Emmett said as he stands up

"Does she need anything to speed up the process?" Sam asked curiously

"Blood" He said looking down at the floor

"Jasper can you go get a deer for her and can you possibly snap it's neck before you bring it in here though?" I asked looking at him

"Yes ma'am" He said letting go of Alice then dissappeared

"Can you tell us what happened Emmett" Alice asked from the couch with her eyes still filled with vemon

"After you guys left Bella kept whining about how Jasmine has tore the family apart and how they should make her pay, she was like that for hours. Me and Rosalie got sick of hearing her so we left the house not wanting to be involved in it because we know what happened was Bella's fault and not yours Jasmine. She crossed a line that she shouldn't have crossed, when we went back to the house hours later Bella was gone but the rest of the family were having a meeting. They were saying how they need to get you alone so they can take you and use you to get Sam to reconsider the warning he gave Edward. Then Edward said that Bella wants to come to pa lush to try and apologise to Jacob so they can be friends again. Carlisle even asked me and Rosalie to help them but we instantly said no as soon as we said that Edward attacked us i was fighting him off for hours no-one stopped him not even Carlisle. They just sat there and watched as he attacked me and i had held him off pretty good thanks to Jasper's training but suddenly he got hold of Rosalie he started to fight her. I couldn't do anything because everytime i got near them Edward kept making head shots i didnt want to risk loosing her she kept saying no to helping her. That's when Edward took it a step to far as he ripped her arm off and i threw him off her sending him flying throught the wall. when they were all distracted helping Edward i picked her up and ran" He said looking down at Rosalie concerned

"They will not lay a hand on my imprint!" Sam snarls holding me closer to him

"Hush my love no-one will touch me because i have you, the pack, Alice, Jasper, Rosalie and Emmett so just calm yourself" I said rubbing my hand up and down his arm to calm him down

"She is right Sam we will not let them get anywhere near Jasmine she is one special lady" Jasper said walking back inside with a deer over his shoulder

"Right we can make this work, Emmett you and Rosalie are staying here with us no ifs no buts about it and Alice will tell you our conditions" Sam said still holding me tightly

"Thank you Sam, Jasmine for letting us stay here it really means alot to me, to us" Emmett said with a small smile

"No problem me and Sam will go get some coffee while you help Rosalie feed" I said nodding at Jasper

"Then we can talk about patrols" Jasper said his eyes dark which startled me i saw Alice mouth 'i will explain later' i nodded my head at her then walked of towards to kitchen with Sam right behind me.



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