- Chapter 16: Your our family that's why -

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- Jasmine's Pov -

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- Jasmine's Pov -

In a blink of an eye Caius had Isabella so her back is against his chest as he bit down on her neck she screams and trys to get away which obviously fails Alice, Jasper, Rosalie and Emmett come to stand behind Sam they don't look sad or worried they just have emotionless faces i know why Jasper moved closer to us so our scent will block the smell of blood but i am unsure why the others stood behind us i looked over at my blood brother to see him frozen in place sure he stopped seeing Isabella after finallt realising her game but i know he still has feelings for her i find myself walking over to him and pulling him into my arms holding him close to me he puts his head in my neck and his arms around my waist hugging me tightly but not to tightly he even flinched at Isabella's screams i rubbed my hand up and down his back trying to keep him calm soon enough Isabella's screams got quiet i looked over my Jacob free shoulder and see Caius drop Isabella's lifeless body on the floor.

"What is the cover story we are telling Charlie" I asked holding Jacob tighter

"That she and Edward left with his parents that's the only thing we can tell him because he will believe thay as she has done it before" Sam said coming over and kissing my forehead

"Sam you need to get Jasmine home she needs rest even more now she is pregnant, Jacob will you accompany us back to your father's we would like to tell him what happened in person" Aro said with a small sad smile

"O-of course" Jacob mumbled into my neck

"Give him a minute please" I slightly begged Jacob hasn't hugged me like this since we were kids i miss my brothers hugs

"Of course sister have all the time you need" Caius said with understanding in his eyes

I wrap my arms around Jacob's shoulder while telling him it will all be okay that i am here for him after a couple minutes he pulls away from me and kisses my forehead like he used to do when we were kids it was his silent way to say thank you i smile at him and kiss his forehead two yes when we were kids we were weird but that's our bond if we were normal we would be boring and that's not us he then goes over to the volturi members and tells them to follow him they do just that as he leads them out the woods i look over at Sam only to see him whispering lowly in Jasper they lowly i couldn't hear what he said suddenly jasper is infront of me and is holding me bridle style i squealed in shock.

"Hold on tight ma'am Sam told me to run you home with us he will be following us in wolf form" He said his southern accent has gotten stronger since he has been living with me

"Then you run kind sir but please be careful i have a bun in the oven" I said jokingly

"No harm shall come your's and Sam's bun under my care" He joked back

"Come on your pair of jokers let's go!" Emmett whined behind us

Me and Jasper laughed at his whining he is such a man child Rosalie came over and covered me with her cardigan and told me to hold on as tight as i could i grabbed the front of Jasper's shirt in my fist he looked down and checked i was holding tight then he ran i had to close my eyes with how fast he was going i could hear the pack's paws hit the forest ground as they ran making me smile thay Sam wasn't far behind us it didn't take long for us to be back in my cabin Jasper ran straight in and sat me on the couch while Alice and Rosalie ran to the kitchen while saying they would get me some food and a drink just as walk back in Sam and the pack walk in and Sam comes straight over to me sitting by my side.

"Guys why did you stand behind me and Sam you could have just stayed where you stood?" I asked not being able to hold it in any more

"No we couldn't Jas" Rosalie said making Paul growl when she said his nickname for me making me smile at him

"Why?" I asked tilting my head

"Your our family now we stick together" Emmett said with a smile



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