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5000000000 years ago yet when jesus existed you deicced to go for a walk

it was peaceful night like yeah ignore all these dinosaurs and apocalypse going on right niw and enjoy yhe nigjt

as you continued walking you were lost in you're* mind when someonz "accidentally" ran into u

both of you fell down like you were in anime or smth

"A-A-A-A OMGOMGOMGOMH IM SO SORRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!1!1!1!1!!2!" said unknown girl

and then you saw her..........,.,.,.,.,.. and u thought "omg woof woof bark"

so the girl said "d-d-d-daijoubu are you????!!?? 1?2!2?2!" and helped u get up

she introduced herself and so did u, her name was y/n

y/n was a straight energetic girl with long blonde hair a lot of make up?? and pink crop top like a fucking barbie

"OMFG IM GONNA BE LATE UHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH OK BYE HERES MY PHONZ NUMBA 86942069693942093593 ADIOS!!!1!1!1!2!!&?2+_)2%:9017'*=3-" said y/n before she suddenly disappeared🤔🤔🤔🤔

so when you looked at ur phone while saving her phone numba u thought "oh im gonna rickroll this gril😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈"

y/n x reader (very sad and emotional prepare tissues) Where stories live. Discover now