ch 2

44 1 0

end me already

why r people readint this lol

(btw i wrote this at like 4 am so ueah)

it has been a week since you met y/n and u deciced to go to starbux togeter

so you call y/n and you can hear caramelldansen trhought(how the fffffrick do u speel this shit) the phone

"omgogmgizufozpvijzkf ok uhh hello how are u" y/n answered the phone interupting the music you were vibing to

"hi wanna go to starbux togztjer"

"ok gimme 5 seconds"

and after 5 seconds somzone knocked to ur door

"hi im here ok lets go!1!!1!1!1!1!1!!2!1!2!1!" it was y/n obviously

..tho you never told y/n where you live

while walking to starbux u discussed about some weird shits but imma leave it to your imagination

u finally arrived in starbux, wow

"hey hello i want blah blah blah and uhhh *whispers cutely* what do u want"

*u also whisper but not cutely* "iced coffee pls"

"...and iced coffee pls"

"ok cool lemme pay rn" ur dumbass with social anxiety cznt do shit so at least u will pay right?

"no me"

"no i pay"

"no me"

"no me"

"no me"

"omg k fine" u sigjed "lets go take a sit"

"ye lets gooooooOOOOoOOOo" y/n shut up

sooo as u both were  enjoying your.. suspicious drinks you said

"hey y/n check this video i sent u"

"what is this sus link"

"oh no dont worry its nothing sus, its a link to a video with funnt cats"

"why wont u show me the video then"

"because its 10 minutes long?"

"yeah 10 minutes is nothing honey i watch 39 netflix movies in one sitting while eating easethetic food in asthetic room"

"bruh mission failed ig.." u thought, u were actually gonna rickroll her but its not my fault u suck at it (i suck at it too dw)

honestly i have no idea how to end this chapter u both just had fun and talked for some time again

y/n x reader (very sad and emotional prepare tissues) Where stories live. Discover now