ch3 lessgo

21 1 3

"hiya i have to go to the toilet wait for me here okayyyy? 1?1??1?1?1?"


sooo as u were scrolling thru phone watching some memes a random gril sat next to u and said


"who tf are u"

"MY NAME IS ALEX u don't rememher me.......??? we were bfffffffffffffffffffffffs in middle schoool........,... ,,. ."

"the fick is middle school, and no i have never heard of u so go away pls im tryint to watch amongus memes here"

"among us in 1969 bruh so cringe" literally shut up omfg- "senapi i czn dhow u some good memes look at it!!!!" *shows u funnyn't meme from 2008*


"WHAT DO YA MEAN BY THAT SNEPIA?? 1!!1?1?1?1! u literally have no taste in memes omg what a loser stay mad ratio L opinion kys bitch u ugly ill kill u with plastic bag from walmart loser ##### ####### ########### ### ######## *turns into a wolf and growls loud as hell and hurts your internet ears* GRRRRrrrRrRRRRrr😡😡😡😡😡😡" she mad and she runned away

"what a uglt bitcj lol" u thought to urself

so basically this emo bitch alex is like emo alpja lesbians from gatcha life, ya know, rzd eyes, black hair, emo hoodie and like hell i know if she wears any jeans and it appears she likes u (like she has a good taste but shes just ew fr)

"what did i miss" y/n appears out of nowhere

"nothing much" u answered "lets go outa here this place is weird"

"actually i gtg i gotta fish my microwave so yea bye it was nice to hangout with u" idk y/n thts kinda sussy but everyonr has their weird kinks ig

idk how to end this chapter part 2
end of chapter adios

y/n x reader (very sad and emotional prepare tissues) Where stories live. Discover now