Chapter 44

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I've been anxiously awaiting my turn to meet you; the lovely (Name) that has caused so much mayhem amongst my children.

I knew I hadn't died, but I also knew that somehow, I had. The barrel of Brian's gun had been pointed directly toward my chest, and he had pulled the trigger. I remembered rather vividly the searing pain of his bullet tearing through my flesh and entering my body; yet somehow, my heart beat in my chest ever yet.

I had tried to reach up to caress the teary-eyed face of Jack, only to see his expression contort from one of desolate sadness to one of pure horror. He had stared at my fingertip, as I now found myself doing, with one of the most dejected, fallen looks I had ever seen. It had been enough to shatter my heart on the spot; he had known something that he wasn't quite ready to share with me yet, and knowing that he had hidden such important information from me had been disheartening to say the least. Though, it would hypocritical to chastise him for it; I hadn't told him about my encounter with the mysterious BEN, either.

So, you've seen your mark.

I nodded, unwilling to look again into the gaze of the faceless creature I had been in the care of for the last few days or so. Time had become such a foreign concept since my death; I didn't bother to ask about it and couldn't focus enough energy on really caring about it.

He had introduced himself to me, rather briefly, and had told me that Jack would be responsible for further explaining how much importance the little foreign mark actually held. And at the mention of the man I had found myself completely in love with, my thoughts instantly became overrun with images and questions about and in regards to him.

I wondered if he had known that this was going to happen, if he had known that letting it go so far would lead it to an end that would never truly end; I had died. I knew I had died. But, as fate would have it, I breathed again. I would have been more than content to die in the arms of the man I loved, but in good fashion, it would have never been that easy.

Go now, to him. Your thoughts encircle him, and you will not be ready to embrace us until you two have spoken.

Perhaps the best part about meeting the faceless being was that, now, I had somewhere to fully place the blame of how it had all happened. Though I knew Jack was somewhat at fault, as was everybody else, it was much easier to place the blame on some otherworldly being I had never met until now than to face the truth; whilst they had all helped me find myself, they had all played a part in helping me lose myself as well.

As I slowly stood, I looked directly into the face of the unknown being as I stood before him, my gaze locked directly on his unseen one.

I gave a small wave as I turned my body toward the exit of the small room I had been kept in for an uncomfortable amount of time.

"Thank you,"

He stood, lanky and unnervingly thin, before me, not breathing nor speaking as he watched me leave.

Closing the door behind me, I let out an exasperated sigh as my heart thrummed in my chest, the sound beating at my eardrums. It had been one of the first things I had noticed about myself when I had came back; every single one of my senses had been incredibly heightened.

My heartbeat, as unsteady as it had been, was far too loud for me to bear when I had first woke, and the man, the Operator, had to place sound-proof earphones over my head so I would stop writhing in pain at the much too-boisterous noises that had been, at one point in my life, completely unheard to me.

With my mind swirling around the thoughts of the only person I wanted to see, my legs moved before I even had to give them a direction.

I moved about the decrepit mansion as if I had lived there my entire life; not one hallway was unknown to me as I descended multiple sets of staircases; I somehow just knew the contents of every single room and exactly how to get there. Though, I wasn't focused at all on entering any bedrooms or forgotten dining halls; I needed to get out the front door as fast as humanly possible. Or, inhumanly.

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