I Really Like You

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Scarlett's door is open but Y/N still knocked, "Hey."

Scarlett looked up from the book she's reading and smiles when she saw Y/N. "Hey, baby."

Y/N's heart jumped. She smiles and walked inside, she stood by the side of the bed. She also took off the blonde wig, sighing deeply and messing up her hair a bit. She threw it on the bed.

Scarlett closed the book and placed it down, then she scooted over the edge of her bed and pulled Y/N closer, standing the soldier her between her legs then she hugged Y/N by her waist, her chin's resting on Y/N's stomach as she looks up, smiling.

Y/N smiles and caresses Scarlett's cheek. "You look adorable with your glasses." She said.

"You look adorable in general." Scarlett said back.

Y/N blushed and giggled.

Scarlett then hummed, and smiles. "So, you're into mommies?" She asked.

Y/N laughed, shaking her head. "That's random."

"Not really, you said it earlier when that Nathan guy tried to ask you out." Scarlett said, raising an eyebrow.

"Let me make myself clear then," Y/N said and cupped Scarlett's cheeks. "I'm into mommy." She whispered, looking between her favorite pair of eyes. "Just this one mommy."

"Care to elaborate? Like, describe this mommy you're talking about." Scarlett said, fighting off her smile.

Y/N hum, "Sure. Well, this mommy have the most beautiful green eyes in the world," She started, as she look between Scarlett's eyes. "Have the cutest nose," She smiles, kissing Scarlett's nose, "The most adorable cheeks," She said and kissed both cheeks, "And she also have the most beautiful and kissable lips in the world, the only lips that I want to feel against mine." She whispered, tracing Scarlett's lips.

Scarlett smiles, her heart going wild.

"I really like you, Scar." Y/N added. Since they haven't talked about their feelings yet, she decided to settle for that. There's another time to confess that she's in love with the actress.

Scarlett smiles, she moved Y/N a little so she can stand up. Once she's eye to eye with the soldier, she gently and lovingly cupped her cheeks. "I really really like you too, Y/N."

"You do?" Y/N asked, "You're positive now?"

Scarlett smiles and nodded her head. "I am more than positive, hon. I really like you, everything about you. And I'm done trying to figure my feelings out, I want to spend every single day knowing that you know what I feel for you and I know what you feel for me. I want us to try this." She said.

Y/N bit her lip to stop herself from crying, this is really touching her heart. "If that's the case then, if you really want to try us out... let me take you on a date?"

"I'd love to, Y/N." Scarlett said, smiling. And she gave Y/N a sweet kiss, "I'll go on a thousand dates with you." She said and pulled away.

Y/N licked her lips, smiling. "How about... you go on a lifetime dates with me?"

Scarlett smiles, "Even better."

Y/N grins, blushing. "So, I talked to Rosie..."

Scarlett nodded and sat down again, "What did you two talked about?" She asked, while patting her lap. "Sit."

Y/N obeyed and sat down on Scarlett's lap sideways, wrapping an arm around the actress' shoulders. "She felt that I was sad these past days and she was glad that I enjoyed myself today."

Scarlett hummed, nodding her head. She put one hand on Y/N's hips and used her other hand to hold Y/N's hand in hers, "She did asked me a few times if you were okay." She said.

"She's the sweetest kid." Y/N said, smiling at Scarlett. "She's so thoughtful and sincere, I'm so proud of you for raising her like that. You're an amazing mother, Scar." She said.

Scarlett smiles, "Thank you, hon. That means a lot. I actually talked to Rose like two days ago." She said.

"About?" Y/N asked.

"Us," Scarlett answered, smiling. "I asked what she thinks about me... wanting to date you. And she was happy to know that I like you like that."

"Rose is such a smart girl," Y/N said, chuckling. "Not only because she approved, but like in general. She's so understanding and she knows what makes her the happiest. We actually talked about that too, and she asked me if I want to be part of the family."

"And what did you say?" Scarlett asked.

"I said of course I want to," Y/N answered and looked between Scarlett's green eyes. "That's all I want, Scar. I want to make you and Rose happy, I want to take care of you two."

Scarlett smiles, "I want that too."

Y/N sighs, smiling. "You don't know how happy this makes me, Scar."

Scarlett kissed Y/N's shoulder, "I know, baby. Trust me, because I feel the same."

"Thank you for giving me a chance." Y/N said, "I will never waste this. So, how about we go on that date... tomorrow?"

"Sounds amazing." Scarlett said, smiling.

"Great!" Y/N grins and kissed Scarlett's head before she stood up.

"Where are you going?" Scarlett asked.

"I need to form my plan! I'll see you tomorrow! Oh, and don't freak out if Rose isn't at home when you wake up tomorrow. She'll be with me." Y/N said and cupped Scarlett's chin and kissed her.

Scarlett immediately kissed back. "I'll see you tomorrow." She whispered. "Now go before I lock you in here again."

Y/N giggled. "I don't mind."

Scarlett laugh, "I don't either, but if you stay, I don't think you'll be able to walk properly tomorrow. How about your plan?" She asked, smirking.

"My god," Y/N said, blushing madly. "Good night, Scarlett." She said and turned around.

Scarlett laugh loudly, "Some other time then, good night, hon!"

Y/N glanced behind, giggling. "See you tomorrow, you beautiful woman!"

Scarlett just giggle and blow a kiss.

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