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It was the middle of the night, and Scarlett woke up because she was starting to get cold. She groaned, reaching out for Y/N. But then she frowned when there was no one else in bed with her.

Scarlett opened her eyes and looked around. She was met by the darkness and the cold air inside the room.

Her heart sank.

She sat up and turned on the lamp, giving the room some light. She looked at the empty spot next to her and sighed.

With a heavy heart, she got up and walked towards the door. She opened it and was met by silence. She hugged herself before she started walking towards Rose's bedroom.

She opened the door and the heaviness in her heart vanished when she saw her daughter, the little girl is all wrapped up in her momma's arms. She smiled and approached the bed. She sat down on the side and caressed her wife's cheek.

Y/N stirred before opening her eyes and meeting Scarlett's green eyes. She smiled sleepily and kissed Scarlett's palm. "Hey."

"Hey," Scarlett whispered. "I woke up without you and I was scared."

"Oh," Y/N said. She kissed Rose's head before carefully untangling herself. She grabbed their daughter's bear and placed it close to Rose, so her sleep wouldn't be disturbed. She stood up from the bed and smiled at her wife. "Come on, my love." She whispered.

Scarlett kissed Rose's head before opening her arms for Y/N.

Y/N chuckled and picked up her wife. She wrapped her arms around her wife's waist while Scarlett wrapped her arms around Y/N's neck and her legs around Y/N's hips.

Y/N starts walking back to their bedroom.

"I'm sorry for leaving your side, mon amour. I had a dream about our little Rose all grown up and I suddenly missed her, and so I went to her room and I guess I fell asleep." Y/N said.

"It's okay," Scarlett said, "I just hate waking up without you by my side, it still scares me." She added and sighed.

It's been a year and a half since Y/N retired and came back home permanently. They are doing well, and Y/N was quick to adjust to her new lifestyle. She decided to become a businesswoman since she had money.

Y/N and Scarlett got married after a month when the ex-soldier proposed. It was the best day of their lives. All of their loved ones were there. It was a private and intimate wedding celebration. It was perfect and everything that they wanted.

As soon as their dream house was done, Y/N, Scarlett, and Rose immediately moved in. They immediately fell in love with the house. It was everything that Scarlett and Y/N talked about before, and it didn't take long for the house to be filled with their stuff and give it a homey atmosphere.

However, despite all that, Scarlett still gets scared whenever Y/N isn't there. Especially whenever she woke up and Y/N was not by her side, she was scared that her wife might have left and would never come back home.

"Hey," Y/N whispered, and she sits down on the bed with her wife sitting in her lap. "I'm here, my love. I'm here and I will never leave you, okay? We're married, my love. I'm not a soldier anymore, I'm a businesswoman with an amazing wife and the sweetest daughter. I'm happy with you, Scar. I'm happy that we are living the dream, and literally living under the same roof—living in our dream house."

Scarlett sighs, smiling a little. She held Y/N's face, caressing her cheeks. "I love you, Y/N. I still long for you, and I know I will always have this feeling because I love you so much, I'm so crazy about you. I can't live without you."

"I love you more, mon amour." Y/N said, smiling.

"Now that we're married, do you still see yourself growing old with me?" Scarlett asked.

"Are you kidding me?" Y/N asked, chuckling. "Even more so, Scar. I always see myself by your side, growing old together and being this cool lesbian mommies. And remember? I'll still call you mommy even if you're a grandma." She said and giggled.

Scarlett laughed, rolling her eyes.

"Rolling your eyes now, huh?" Y/N said, raising an eyebrow.

"Only I can roll my eyes," Scarlett said. "You're not allowed to roll your eyes at me."

Y/N smirks, "Whatever. I'm glad I rolled my eyes at you that day because look at us now." She said.

Scarlett laughed, and nodded her head. "That's true."

Y/N smiles, sighing happily. "I'm always gonna be here with you, mon amour. We're gonna see our daughter grow up, and will spend our lives together, hand in hand. My heart beats for you and only you."

Scarlett smiles, "And I'll always be yours, my heart." She said.

"I know, baby," Y/N said, smiling. "You're my life, and thank you for giving me your heart. Secretly loving you all these years was worth it because look at me now, married to you—married to the love of my life. And as always, it's just you, me, and Rose. Under the same roof, this same roof that we've always dreamed about."

"Under the same roof and never apart." Scarlett said. It was the same thing that she said when Y/N proposed to her.

Y/N smiles and nodded her head, "Never apart."

With content and happy hearts, Y/N and Scarlett leaned in, sealing their words and love for each other with a passionate kiss. Their sealed lips represent all the other emotions that words cannot express. And by feeling each other's lips and touches that feels like fulfilled promises, they know that their love will only get stronger each day, and it will be the two of them continuing to grow old together—hand in hand, under the same roof, and never apart.

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