This story, titled "tengolf", was started by me probably over a year or 2 ago. It has like half a chapter.

It was meant to work through Tennis Ball's feelings towards Golf Ball as a full week went by, so in a total 7 chapters.

My plan was pretty much just objects in a highschool au where TB and GB had partnered up for a science project, and with the amount of time GB was starting to spend at TB's for the project, the harder it was to hide his feelings. And mostly everything was held off until the last chapter where there was a short confession where GB accepted he liked her and said she'd think about it, but said that she was just happy how their relationship currently was.

The story idea might be cool, but the way I planned it out was bad and would leave me unsatisfied with the ending as it was so fast, and not natural.


as I said, it's bad


Tennis Ball opened the front door to his house to head out for school, he saw Golf Ball, his best friend who lived a couple houses before his, walking just a house ahead. He closed the door and walked fast down the street to catch up. "Hey GB." He said, walking besides her now. "Hello, TB. You are late, I was already ahead of you before you came out of your house." GB said as she looked up to him, "Oh, yeah sorry, just woke up a little late."

"Hm, is that so?" GB asked in a joking voice, TB smiled and looked in front of them. "Hey, there's Pin and Leafy." GB looked over to them, they were too far ahead to notice or hear her and TB. "Doesn't Coiny like one of them?" GB asked raising an eyebrow, "Yeah, he's pretty close with Pin. I wonder what their talking about." Leafy turned her head to say something to Pin but noticed TB and GB instead. She stopped and waved, TB picked up his foot and made a small wave. Pin stopped as well and they waited for TB and GB.

"Hiya GB, Hiya TB!" Leafy said as her and Pin continued walking with them. "Hello." TB said with a slight smile, Leafy can be a little annoying sometimes, she's a little too much for GB and TB. "I don't remember school being so far away." Pin said annoyed she had to walk double the amount she normally walks. "Pin, that's cause I live farther from the school! Maybe next time I can stay at your house." Leafy said as she walked with her eyes closed. "Eh.." GB and TB looked at each other, they both made a mental shrug. "Leafy, why do you walk to school? Can't you just glide your way there?" Leafy furrowed her eyebrows, "Well, uh, I guess? But walking is funner! Plus I don't really have control of how far I go. Its not like I'm flying." GB looked up to TB, he looked down confused. GB looked from his eyes to the top of him a few times, TB leaned down and GB got onto his head.

"Now that I think of it, Firey is weightless, does that mean he can fly or glide?" Leafy asked, Pin shrugged. "Maybe?" She looked ahead, "Finally, there's the school." She started walking faster and passed the others, leaving Leafy with GB and TB. Leafy didn't say anything and they kept walking, before they got to the school Leafy looked up at GB, "So.. What's up with you and riding TB?" She asked with a hand gesture to them, GB looked down at her with a an eyebrow up and a disgusted look, TB stopped and looked at GB then Leafy. "Uh, I think we should get to class." He said as he continued walking, GB squinted her eyes at Leafy as he walked away.

TB and GB stopped at their lockers, TB bent down and let GB off, she put a couple books on her head and so did TB and they walked into the math class room, a couple of people were already sitting in their seats, the teacher Four, Pie, Ruby who looked to be doing her times tables, and Bubble. Bubbles usually early, probably cause she dies before she's even off her walk path and there's a bubble recovery center in the principals office. Ruby is early cause she's behind, and Pie just doesn't have many things to do, so he's always early to things. GB and TB headed to their seats next to each other and sat down, they waited for class to start.

Skip to lunch cause lazy-

TB and GB walked over to Coiny and Pin who were sitting together at a table, Coiny was smiling and Pin was talking while her arm was on Coiny, he noticed TB and GB walking over and pushed Pins arm off him and sat up. TB raised an eyebrow at him, "Hey Tennis Ball!" Coiny said, nervously. They both sat down facing Coiny and Pin and placed the lunch tray that they carried on their heads onto the table. "So what were you two talking about?" GB asked, Coiny opened his mouth to say something but failed. TB looked at them both and then GB, she was reading a book from under the table.

"Hey, do you guys see anything wrong with Leafy lately?" Pin asked, TB looked the direction she was looking and saw Leafy trying to talk to somebody at a table consisting of Loser, Firey, Cake, and Clock. "She's been more aggressive, if she hadn't of seen you guys you would of heard her yelling at me." Pin said, GB looked up from her book, "Really? Is that why you left so quick when you saw the school?" GB asked, Pin nodded.

TB looked closer at Leafy, she seemed a little more yellow than green. "She seems a little off colored as well." GB looked over to her, "Maybe its cause she is a leaf. And it is turning fall." She said closing her book. "Does that even effect Leafy? I don't think I've ever seen her turn orange or red." Coiny said, Pin again leaned herself onto Coiny, his face slightly got redder. GB looked to TB, "Well what about Evil Leafy? She is red." TB looked down, thinking. "So does that mean in fall Leafy turns evil? Are Evil Leafy and Leafy the same person?"

They all sat in silence, Pin looked over to Loser's table where Leafy was and noticed Leafy was no longer talking to them, Leafy sat alone at a table as she ate Yoyle Berry's. "Where did she get.. Anyways- how has your day been going?" Pin asked, "Normal? How else would it be going." GB said


Notes while rereading:

-i called Pie a he
-why was I so persistent to add coinpin into this
-whats going on with leafy?? Why did I decide to add some side story about her??? It had nothing to do with the plot at all?

I have no idea where I was trying to go with this one and it's really bad

Alright bye

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