This was a BFB AU called "Subject A"

It was basically one of those objects coming to life books because of the numerals (who were usually doctors) but I decided, because those books are mostly the same the entire time, why not change it up a bit?

The whole story was about how this mysterious old building started working up randomly in a city, and Four and X sent out a bunch of fliers about a good paying job as an assistant in this old place. (You would sign a contract blah blah)

But the main point of the book would be about how Four turned the HUMANS into objects, instead of just giving objects life

I had nothing written for this besides the idea, and a little draft version that said how I wanted the first chapter to go, inwhich it started off with explaining some things about the city they lived in, and then it started on human Foldy where she found one of the fliers and decided the pay was better than her current job, and was like "hey, it wouldnt be bad to try out for this"

The only else I remember about this idea was that it was going to exclude object like Black Hole, David, Dora, Yellow Face, the ones that would be hard to come up with for a (mostly) normal human world

I think I also wanted to plan it similar to Experiment 21, or Case 34, where they're doing more or less harmful experiments on the objects

Like maybe turning them from object to human a couple of times to see the effects on their body, seeing if using their object effects them (like for example writing with Pencil, using Eraser, tearing Leafy, ect), or like seeing if they have blood, cutting them open, testing them to their top most abilities, crap like that

But besides that I really didnt have anything else for the story idea

The only thing I can say that I like from this is the fact I wanted to start it off with Foldy.
I have never once liked Foldy more than a "oh, she exists" way
And I think she's like a very not favorable character so I liked the fact I didnt want to start it on someone like Leafy or Flower or a popular character

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