
This story

I'm not sure when I wrote this, but it was from about over a year ago

This was mainly going to be a CoinPin story

It was planned to be a high school, human super power story yknow
Like as in Puff Ball and Black Hole could fly, Firey was super warm to the touch (and non metal/heat resistance objects would get slight burns while touching his skin), Ice Cube and Snowball were super cold and had a cold temp resistance, Book probably could recall anything from any book she's read, ect. (I'm not good at ideas haha),

But the main story point I wanted was Coiny being the main character
Uh Pin, coinpin that wonderful Jazz that I am not and never have obsessed over. Cough.
But basically I wanted to force Coiny into the struggle of friends, partner, school, life, probably more.
Making him feel guilt over his past relationships (like even after Firey and him make up), over thinking, feeling like a burden to Pin, being overwhelmed with school work that he couldn't make himself focus on or do, feeling bad for his friends having to deal with him,

Year ago me wanted nothing but angst

But I didnt get far, cause this is all I ever got before dropping it forever

The title for the chapter was going to be

"Normal Day, Right?"


A tan boy sat down on a bench looking at his phone, he wore a golden T-shirt and black pants that almost went all the way down to his ankles, he had messy short dirty blond hair that seemed to turn golden in the sunlight, and bronze eyes.

He looked up as he heard steps on his left, a dark girl, taller than him, walked his way. She wore a red dress with black leggings, her silver hair tied up into a pony tail. This, as he would know it, is Pin.

He smiled at the sight of her, sitting up straight. "Hi Pin!" He called out, a voice that seemed too mature for himself. He saw a small smile appear on her face, "Hi, Coiny. Why are you here so early?" She asked, spacing out the syllables in each word, sounding staccato.

She sat down next to him as he spoke, "Well, I mean.. Why not? I don't wanna be late again, so.." He trailed off as he smiled at her, she gave him a confused smile. "But its like, 6:40. The bus usually doesn't get here till 7:15."

He gave off a chuckle, "Okay, fine. It was so I could spend more time with you." He looked away, "I mean I have barely any classes with you." Pin smiled, "What do you mean? You have almost every class with me!" She laughed as she joked, Coiny looked back and gave a laugh offering smile.

"Pin, I've never been here this early.. Who gets here first?" He asked, almost a whisper. "Well," Pin began, "I usually get here first, then it's a wild card. Sometimes its Leafy, sometimes its TB and GB, sometimes its even Snowball. You kinda never know."

As she said that a figure not much taller than Coiny came walking their way, his skin a milk chocolate like shade. Coiny sighed as he recognized the figure. He had orange wavy hair that stuck up in a way that looked like fire, his yellow natural color of hair growing adding the fire look.

He wore natural clothes, a red t-shirt with white shorts, he also had a small leaf necklace that was tucked into his shirt, so that nobody could see him wearing it. Coiny groaned and turned his face away from Firey.

"Coiny? You never wait for the bus, what're you doing here?" He looked at both of them for a second before a smirk grew on his face. "Wait-"

"-I didn't wanna be late. I'm just being responsible, dude."


It stopped there


- I do not like this
- the clothing and designs could probably be changed a little. I also said Coiny's eye color and then didnt list the other twos, which makes me a little mad cause now I wanna know what they are
- Coiny got straight to the point why he was there. That absolute simp didn't even try to hide it
- I like the fact I included the necklace thing with Firey! I dont remember it at all and I wouldnt have added it if I were writing it today, so I think it was a nice touch (It's also kinda focussing on Coiny while not being in his pov so I wonder if Coiny knows or just the author/reader that does)
- I also have no clue where I was going with the "Normal day, right?" Like what was going to happen? There was obviously something that made it not normal but I have no clue what was going on in past me's mind.

Anyways I dont like this story, dont like the plot idea, dont like the writing, ect so I am done

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2022 ⏰

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