I'm sorry I never meant to hurt you

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It had been too long since I came here, there was no way I could complete my mission, I'd been in love with my best friend since as long as I could remember and there was no way I could hurt him. They couldn't make me. He'd done odd things, maybe even illegal things, but nothing bad enough for me to report on. I guess the mafia decided that they'd had enough, that they'd waited too long. That they were coming to take me back, that they were gonna finish the job, and would potentially kill me.

With every sec that I'd been there, no one except his mom continued to find out who I actually was, and I still continued to write everything down in my journal. In it, I'd leave it behind. Leaving the key in a place that only Justin would be sure to find it. In it I wrote....

"Justin, please forgive, I never meant to hurt you, I never wanted to betray you, I know you'll never believe me or trust me ever again, but I need you to know that I love you and always have, now that you're reading this, I'm probably long gone by now, I've probably either gone back to the mafia, or they've killed me, my job was to befriend you again, and become your right hand again, to get you deported, you needed to trust me to, to let me into your life, to potentially fall in love with me like I did with you all over again. Those "spells" were me remembering, I keep saying the word again, because I am me, I am who you wanted me to be, I wasn't killed the mafia made me one their own and trained me to me to be a potential killer.

They gave me the same mission that they once gave our own parents, that's right, our mothers were part of the mafia too, just don't tell them I told you this now. They're mission was to kill those they ended up falling in love with in order to have us. I didn't know this until your mother told me, your siblings found out at some point, but I had to take some stuff to make them forget. Justin, I am so sorry, and I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me someday, but we will never see each other again. I love you, Moxie.

Then I locked it up shoved my journal back under the mattress and hid the key some place only Justin would think to look. We were away for the day. Just us two. We were out hanging out. When they came. They'd seen us together. They snuck up on us. I was dragged away and grabbed onto. Justin was pulled away and cuffed. Hey?! Let me go! You guys can't do this, I've been watching him just like you asked, he hasn't done anything wrong.

Moxie? Justin I'm sorry! Isn't she a pretty little actress boy?! No, it's not like that! Leave me alone! Justin.... Justin, I'm so sorry. What are you talking about? We mean boy, that she was just a puppet, and so were you. You're little right hand, your little girlfriend here, has been playing you, she works for us, she was supposed to come back and gain your trust, and report back on any illegal things you've done so we'd have a reason to deport you.

Who even are you guys?! The mafia! Moxie is this true? Justin.... It started off that way, and then, and then.... I don't want to hear it! I never want to see you again Moxie, I hate you, you lied to me Moxie, and I can never forgive you. No Justin please you don't mean that, please Justin I never meant you any harm, I wasn't actually gonna go through with it and I knew the consequences of not doing what I was told, but they never gave me a time, they didn't care how long it took.

Please Justin, please I love you! I didn't want you to get hurt, I was planning on failing my mission. Go to the time machine look at all the time lines, you'll discover the truth. I'm leaving something important to me behind you have to read it, please, it will explain everything. Please, please listen to me. No! I'm not going to, and I don't care what happens to you. Fine I deserve that, but my important something or other will explain exactly what happened and who I really am. I don't care who you are! I don't care about you, you betrayed me. I hope I never see you again.

Some of them brought him back home to pack his stuff, keeping an eye on him. The others brought me back to the airport to try and bring me back to home base, where I was abused and nearly beat to death, but nothing could ever hurt me more than hurting those that I love. You'll be lucky that we don't kill you. But you were warned. You should've never fallen in love Farrah, you're weak, you had one job, but you're just like all the others and I have no more use for you. Lucky for them we were at a private airport. I was tied up, and chained up. Back at the house.

Everyone asked about me, he told them everything. His mom insisted that he owed me that, that he should read what I'd left for him. He wanted her to give him one good reason why. She's not who you think she is Justin, you'll want to take back everything you said about her, you'll want to and have to save her before its to late. Why? Why is that something I have to do?! His mom told him why and told him her story and my mom's.

But she didn't tell him who I was. Go read her journal, she left it for you. My intention wasn't actually to leave my journal there, but to rip out a page and leave it there for him and hope he'd just come to his senses. But I didn't deserve his love, he had every right to hate me. I did lie to him I did betray him. I hated me too, I hated the mafia more for turning me into someone I didn't want to be. Turns out he didn't even need the key, and that I hadn't actually left it in the place I thought I had.

In fact it had been left wide open, to the page it needed to have been left on. He read it. He read it over and over again and again, trying to figure it all out. He took the key, and closed the book tears dripping down his face, and nothing made sense to him still. Until he read the words on the title. He thought it was a lie. That I couldn't possibly be the same two people, but then he went back to the beginning. And he knew he'd made a big mistake. I have to get her back! I can't believe she's alive, and I hope she still is.

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