058. "she is gone but she used to be mine"

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19:09 ─❁────────── 19:79

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That place and its patrons,

Have taken more than I gave 'em


          WHEN LUCIA SAT FOR BREAKFAST that morning, she was instantly welcomed by Harry's everlasting rant on his Occlumency lesson with Snape. She wasn't going to tell him to shut up though, since it seemed as though Harry was too keen in telling her everything that sucks about Snape's lesson with all his heart, and frankly she was a bit interested in knowing what went on whilst she was sleep last night.

Ron was too busy filling his mouth with food than to listen to this again after having to gone through this the rest of the night in the boys' dormitory.

"Is this a shock though? I don't think so," said Lucia, spooning her porridge into her mouth.

"But what I'm trying to say is that Snape just can't understand the concept of —" Lucia quickly shushed him when she saw Hermione approaching the table with the Daily Prophet in hand, looking as serious as ever. She stopped in front of them, taking a seat across from Lucia, Ron, and Harry, before she smoothed out the newsletter.

Hermione kept stealing glances at Lucia, and having enough of this, she snatched the newsletter but quickly threw it back at Hermione with a yelp that caused everyone in the vicinity to stare at her.

"What?" said Harry and Ron together.

"A-Are my eyes deceiving me?" she asked grimly at Hermione, and unfortunately, she was responded with an unfortunate shook of a head. Harry and Ron's confusion deepened at this.

For an answer Hermione spread the newspaper on the table in front of them and pointed at ten black-and-white photographs that filled the whole of the front page, nine showing wizards' faces and the tenth, a witch's. Some of the people in the photographs were silently jeering; others were tapping their fingers on the frame of their pictures, looking insolent. Each picture was captioned with a name and the crime for which the person had been sent to Azkaban.

Antonin Dolohov, read the legend beneath a wizard with a long, pale, twisted face who was sneering up at them, convicted of the brutal murders of Gideon and Fabian Prewett.

"Go on," said Lucia coolly, causing the others to jump. "Read."

And Harry quickly obeyed her, noticing the very evident anger that was written in her unusually darkened face. Augustus Rookwood, said the caption beneath a pockmarked man with greasy hair who was leaning against the edge of his picture, looking bored, convicted of leaking Ministry of Magic Secrets to He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named.

𝐢. 𝐌𝐈𝐂𝐑𝐎𝐂𝐎𝐒𝐌𝐈𝐂 ; harry j. potter ( UNEDITED )Where stories live. Discover now