060. "the night is short can't take you for granted"

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19:09 ─❁────────── 19:79

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Go ahead, you can cut me loose

Go ahead now, I won't mind


          DIVINATION WAS SURPRISINGLY MORE INTERESTING than usual with Firenze teaching, but the positive vibes that occupied the entire castle the past week immediately diminished after the sacking of Trelawney. Regardless, life seemed to go on dully as March passed without notice and they approached April.

Umbridge continued attending all Care of Magical Creatures lessons, which Lucia found very bothersome as it meant that delivering Firenze's warning to Hagrid will be difficult as the toad woman would be watching every steps the Gryffindors took. But it was brilliant of Harry to pretend that he had lost his textbook one day just to pass on the message and from the looks of Harry, it was successful.

Meanwhile, as the teachers and Hermione persisted in reminding them, "Get a hold of yourself, the O.W.L.s are near!" All the fifth years were suffering from stress to some degree, but Hannah Abbott became the first to receive a Calming Draught from Madam Pomfrey after she burst into tears during Herbology and sobbed that she was too stupid to take exams and wanted to leave school now.

Lucia had never related to someone so badly...

D.A. lessons seemed to be the only thing that was keeping them alive and happy. They spent hours in the Room of Requirements, working harder than before and at the same time enjoying themselves around such fleeting moments that could be ripped away from them at any moment if they messed up. The D.A. had come so far... and all the risks was worth it.

It was finally the day Lucia had been most excited about: The day they will be working on their Patronus.

Everybody had been very keen to practice, though as Harry kept reminding them, producing a Patronus in the middle of a brightly lit classroom when they were not under threat was very different to producing it when confronted by something like a dementor.

"Oh, don't be such a killjoy," said Cho brightly, watching her silvery swan-shaped Patronus soar around the Room of Requirement during their last lesson before Easter. "They're so pretty!"

"They're not supposed to be pretty, they're supposed to protect you," said Harry patiently. "What we really need is a boggart or something; that's how I learned, I had to conjure a Patronus while the boggart was pretending to be a dementor —"

𝐢. 𝐌𝐈𝐂𝐑𝐎𝐂𝐎𝐒𝐌𝐈𝐂 ; harry j. potter ( UNEDITED )Where stories live. Discover now