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The Library of Alexandria was one of the crowning pinnacles of humankind. While only a part of the Mouseion, it was by far the most famous area, and the most famous library ever created by human hands. Sadly, more often than not, this famous landmark's story ended in fiery tragedy. Sometimes entirely destroyed, other times only partially but still with enough damage that it lost its original awe, its story was known far and wide throughout the many human civilisations throughout Creation. But there were some versions where it was never destroyed. The library's fame lived on, even several millennia after it should have crumbled. It was in one of these universes where Jay, Maddie, Kindra and Valria found themselves.

They stood on the planet Alexandria. Yes, planet. It was one of the many human civilisations throughout the Milky Way Galaxy and was a long way from its humble origins of Earth. The planet, unsurprisingly, had a heavy influence from ancient Greece and Egypt. From the buildings to the streets to the people and the culture, it felt a bit magical. That had nothing to do with actual magic, of course. Humanity had lost the path a long time ago, and very rarely did the Court of Lyriumia ever come across a version where it remained. No, instead the Humans relied on their own wits and technology to create marvels such as these.

The Mouseion towered over the four. It was built up a small, rolling hill covered in greenery and flowers. A staircase led up to the first level and was flanked on their side by painted stone Sphinxes. The main entryway had ionic columns following up the staircase and on either side of the white-and-gold-painted entrance. It was here where the four got their first close glimpse at the entirety of the Library. Another two staircases, marble, led up to a hexastyle portico – the entrance to the Library itself. The frieze of the portico was covered in colourful carvings of the Nine Greek Muses welcoming visitors who sought knowledge. On either side of the Library were two paths leading further into the Mouseion via six arches.

Maddie lowered her sunglasses, looking up at the Library. "That's not something you see every day. I thought Humans were more advanced than this."

"They are," Valria said, adjusting her black baseball cap to protect her pale skin from the harsh light of the Sun. She waved a small pamphlet. "According to this, the Humans moved the entire Mouseion brick by brick out here as a way to persevere it from the worsening climate."

"How does that work?"

"A lot of hard work and effort, and a bit of interference from the Muses themselves," Jay said with a wink. "Don't tell them that last part." Maddie covered her mouth with a hand to supress a laugh.

Kindra looked up at the Library with a confident smile. "It is considered to hold a lot of important antiquities and Human knowledge spanning the last four thousand years." She glanced at Valria. "Guessing on the year."

"It is 4,426 'Common Era'," the Shifter answered. "About forty-one hundred Earth years of knowledge."

Kindra nodded. "Close enough."

"Perfect place to find a knowledge or wisdon God," Maddie said. "Where do we start looking? Also, why this version of the Library in particular?"

Jay only smiled. "You'll see."

The four begun up the stairs.

"Stop! Halt!" They turned at the voice. A young man was running toward them, silver robes fluttering. One of the scholars. "Are you attempting to entire the Library with that?" He jabbed an accusatory finger at Kindra.

She crossed her arms. "Is there a problem, Sir?"

"You dare speak to your better?" His voice raised an octave. "Your kind are not welcome here!"

Tear in the Megaverse WATTPAD VERSION [Inter-Universal Protectors Series: 5]Where stories live. Discover now