A protective instinct

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Aki's pov:
"OUTRAGEOUS!! KRIEG WANTS THE OCEAN-GOING RESTAURANT!!" Crane shouted. The people panicked and cleared out of the restaurant through the backdoor. When it finally processed, I went into attack mode. I growled, bared my teeth, and unsheathed my claws. If Krieg thought he could take this restaurant, he had another thing coming. I raced towards Krieg with incredible speed. I used my special dash move and was able to get right up to Krieg's face and get a good slash in, knocking him back a little. "AKI!!" Luffy shouted. I grabbed Gin and got him away from Krieg. "Gin, are you alright?" I asked, checking his face. Krieg took his hand away from his face, it was dripping with blood. His face of shock turned to anger, but then he...smiled. "My ship's a wreck. I need a new one. When I'm finished with you, I'll dump you." Krieg said, specifically staring at me. "I have about a hundred men on my ship who still draw breath. They're dying from wounds, hunger and thirst. They need a hundred rations of food and water. You will prepare them. Some have already starved to death. There's no time to waste." Krieg said, blood dripping down his face and onto the carpet below. 'Oh come on, I just cleaned that carpet!' I thought in anguish. "You expect us to feed a hundred pirates!? So they'll have the strength to take over our ship!? WE REFUSE!!" Crane shouted. "Refuse? You don't understand. It's not a request. It's an order! DO NOT DEFY ME!!" I saw the fear of god strike just about everyone in the restaurant. "Sorry, Aki...I...I never meant-" Sanji got up off the ground and started walking towards the kitchen. "YOU!! You got us into this!! Where are you going, Sanji?!" Patty yelled. Sanji blew a puff of smoke. "The kitchen, of course. We've got a hundred meals to prepare." Sanji said. "WHAT!!?" Shouted one of the cooks. "Sanji?!!" Gin said, looking at him with a surprised look. "That's right." Krieg said in a low toned voice. "Sanji." Luffy said. I just looked at Sanji blankly. *click X7* Seven chefs pulled their guns out, cocked them and pointed them at Sanji. "Are you Krieg's dog, Sanji!?" A cook said. "Watch it!" I said. "We can't let you into the kitchen. We're not going along with this. It's an outrage!!" The cook continued. Sanji looked at the cooks and raised his arms halfway in the air. "If you want to stop me...Fire." Sanji said. My eyes widened. "Sanji, don't do this please!!" I yelled, getting up onto my feet. "I know...They're unredeemable villains. But my job is to feed people, not to judge them. It gets too complicated. If a man is hungry, I will feed him!! That's a cook's job. What's the problem?" *BONK* "PATTY!!" I shouted. "Hold him down." Patty said. Two cooks raced over and picked Sanji up by the arms. Restraining him to the ground. "Sanji, I know you feed the people I chase off. Maybe you're right to do that sometimes. But this time, you're wrong!! Now you keep still. I'm gonna defend this restaurant!! He may be Don Krieg, but he's just one man. HE CAN'T BEAT ALL OF US!!" Patty shouted. "This is the Baratie! We deal with rowdy pirates everyday. AND WE KNOW WHAT KIND OF CUSTOMER SERVICE TO GIVE 'EM!!" Patty shouted pulling out his meatball of doom cannon. *Gasp* "Oh shit!! EVERYONE GET DOWN!!" I shouted, my wings shot out of my back in pure instinct to protect Gin. "YOU'VE EATEN!! HERE'S YOUR DESSERT!! THE MEATBALL OF BOOM!!!" *KA-BOOM*

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