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(Back in Rayna's POV: I stood there before Mihawk, his sword shattered into pieces on the ground below my paws. I shifted into normal form. My mouth and chest were dripping with blood. I turned around and started walking away but my legs caved and I fell onto my hands and knees and coughed up a huge amount of blood. My chest was dripping huge drops of blood onto the deck of the ship. All at once, I could feel every ounce of pain I was actually in. My adrenaline had worn off and now I felt like I was on the brink of death. (Zoro's POV: I scrambled to my feet and ran over to Rayna. I kneeled down and tried to sit her up, putting my hand on her collarbone. She immediately flinched and I yanked my hand back and when I looked at it...it was covered in blood. I panicked, my eyes went bloodshot. I picked Rayna up bridal style and held her in my arms. She had passed out from the amount of blood she'd lost. "EMBER, HELP!!" I nearly screamed. Ember immediately shot over and yelled at Usopp to get the boat over here. Luffy also shot over and tried to attack Mihawk for slashing Rayna even though it wasn't his fault. Mihawk dodged Luffy and his head went into a piece of wood behind him. But I didn't care at that moment. I was shaking with worry and fear. I was having a full on panic attack. Ember took Rayna from my arms and I ran over to get our swords. That sword slash had cut Rayna's strap that she had on her scabbards to keep them attached to her. I picked up her swords and put them back in their scabbards then grabbed my only remaining sword and put it where it belonged on my left hip. I tied Rayna's scabbards to my back and jumped into the water. I swam all the way over to Johnny and Yosaku's ship and climbed in. Usopp was holding Rayna still while Ember was attempting to treat her wound. "Zoro! Get over and hold Rayna. She keeps flinching and won't sit still!!" I ran over and took Usopp's spot. "It's ok. I gotcha, kiddio. Just hold on, ok? You're gonna be alright!" I said in a choked up voice, trying to comfort both Rayna and myself. I was fighting back tears. Ember took out a small bottle of rubbing alcohol. "Okay Rayna, if you can hear me, this is gonna hurt a lot so brace yourself." Ember said, before pouring the alcohol on Rayna's slash wound.
(Back in Rayna's POV:
My eyes shot open. "AAAH!!" I jolted up, hunching over and clutching my slash wound, it burned like hell. I was shaking bad, my ears were back, and I was holding back tears from the amount of pain I was in. Suddenly, someone grabbed me by the arms and pulled me back into their lap. When my eyes finally adjusted I saw Zoro was the one who pulled me back and was holding me while Ember was treating my slash wound. Usopp, Johnny, and Yosaku were there too. My breathing was heavy and I felt so much pain. Zoro looked down and saw I was awake and immediately put his hand on my face. "Oh my god, Rayna, thank god you're awake!! Why the hell did you do that!? You could've been killed!!" Zoro said. I looked up at him with a "really bitch" Look on my face. "I told you-*huff*-that I'd come save your dumbass if-*huff*-if things got messy." I said through heavy breathing. "Or if you decided to be stupid and die on me, you ass!!" I growled, grabbing him by the collar of his shirt, yanking him down close to my face. I felt a shock of pain course through my body and I let go of Zoro and figured out that moving ment pain. So I just shakely sighed angrily, closed my eyes, and just kinda went limp while Ember tended to the giant slash across my chest.

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