lxvii. harry the horcrux

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Deanna and Harry went out of the Headmaster's office and down the stairs in silence, letting themselves mull over what just happened. Various thoughts ran through their head, but the two of them were still holding each other's hands. It let them know they had each other to lean on no matter what. But the two of them stopped in their tracks when they saw the familiar figures of Ron and Hermione sitting at the stairs. Well, it seemed like Harry had no escape now.

"Come on, it's Ron and Hermione... It's okay." Deanna whispered to him comfortingly and once Harry nodded, the two of them continued on their way. The sound of their footsteps let their two friends know of their presence.

Hermione stood up immediately and looked at Deanna worriedly. "Where've you been?"

"We thought you two went to the forest." Ron commented with concern.

"I'm going there now." Harry walked past his friends, knowing they would try to stop him. And he was right.

"Are you mad? No. You can't give yourself up to him." Ron said, thinking what Harry just said was absurd. He glanced at Deanna who was only staring at Harry's back. "Why aren't you telling him to stop? You were together just a few moments ago. Why aren't you saying anything?"

Deanna only kept her silence, knowing what was going to happen. The pieces of the puzzle fell into place for Hermione at the silence of Deanna.

"What is it, Harry?" asked Hermione, coming closer to her best friend who had his back turned to them. "What is it you and Deanna know?"

Harry finally turned around at that, glancing at Deanna who gave him an encouraging nod before he answered her question. "There's a reason I can hear them, the Horcruxes. I am one of them... I am a Horcrux."

Ron was in disbelief. He may be an idiot, but this time, he understood clearly what Harry was saying. Deanna only smiled at Harry. She already told him everything she needed to say and everything he needed to hear.

Hermione couldn't stop the sob that escaped her lips, understanding immediately what he meant. "I'll go with you."

"No, kill the snake." Harry smiled slightly at them, trying to convince them he was alright. "Kill the snake and then it's just him."

Hermione did not waste another moment and rushed forward to hug Harry tight, letting herself cry for her best friend who suffered and had to suffer more. But she knew nothing would change his mind once he had made his decision. So, she could only cry and hug Harry to try and tell him he was so brave, that everything will be alright. It hurt her of course to let Harry go to his death, but this was the only thing she could do for him. To give him a tight hug and let him know everything would be alright.

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