Hell on Screen

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Since I wanted to do this with Sam AND Dean AND Cas... why not just write a preference?


[y/w/f]= Your worst fear

Imagine... Having a scary movie night in the bunker.



You sat down on the couch, arms crossed. You hated scary movies but the boys, epically Sam, loved them. Sam sat next to you and pushed popcorn on the table. Dean sat next to Sam and clicked the play button.

All the time you've been living with the Winchester's, they never watched a scary movie. Usually comedies and dramas.

Some scary shit happened and whenever something popped out of somewhere, you jumped. Not to be cute, you were terrified.

"Damn, [y/n]. We do worse in real life." Dean teased, clearly into the movie to much.

"It's scary!" You whined.

When the [y/w/f] came on screen you tensed. Sam noticed and gently grabbed your hand.

"Hey, its just a movie. It can't hurt you. I won't let it hurt you." Sam whispered.

The [y/w/f] got a close up of killing someone and you clutched Sam's hand like your life was in it.

"Fuck fuck fuck!" You whispered to yourself. You started breathing heavily. Sam looked at you terror-struck face and put an arm protecting around your shoulders. You hid your face in his red plaid shirt and ignored the movie as he watched it with Dean.


"C'mon, [y/n]! It'll be fun!" Dean begged, his candy apple green eyes sparkling with admiration of you.

"Fine." You muttered.

"Yay!" He quickly pecked your lips and giddily rush down the stirs to find his brother. "Sammy! Get the movie ready!"

You clopped down the stairs, amused by Dean's happy attitude. You smile as he grabs your hand and pulls you to the sofa.

"I don't like horror movies." You whisper to Sam, sitting down in the middle of them.

"Then why'd you- For Dean." Sam smiled and poked your cheek. "You liiiike him!" He sang.

"Shut up Sam!" You giggle, grabbing his finger.

Dean walked in and saw you and Sam messing around. "Stop flirting, you two!"

"You jelly?" You said.

"No." The tip of his ears went red.

"Oh. If you were I'd kiss you."

"Dammit." He muttered.

Sam started the movie and as it played you decided it was simply too scary for you the watch. Most of the time your eyes were covered or in your lap. Dean rubbed your back, feeling bad. He didn't mean to make you watch it if you were that scared, you could tell.

"I hope you regret the lives you didn't take! Their simply begging you to take it away because its already bruised enough, from what you did!" A demon in the movie hissed. As the words came out you flinched and squeezed your eyes shut, trying not to repeat it. Dean looked over at you, your eyes threatening to spill tears. He pulled you onto his lap and put his arms around you. He rubbed your back and whispered things in your ear like

"Its not true,"


"You save lives."

But you could never really believe it yourself.


"Sam and Dean sent me up here to get you." You jumped at the voice filling the silent room. You didn't have a shirt on. Cas noticed and stared as you pulled on a sweatshirt.

"Dammit Cas! Knock next time."

"I am sorry, [y/n]."

"[Y/n]! Cas!" Dean shouted. "If your not to busy making out already, come down here. If you are, come anyway."

You herd Sam laugh and headed out the door past Cas. You went down the stairs and saw what they were doing.

"Oh hell no." You told them, suddenly afraid. They smiled and started teasing you about your fear of horror movies.

"I'll watch it with you," Cas offered. He always made time for you, even if it meant him regretting it later.

Your face heated and splashed red. "Uh, thanks Cas, but you don't have to-'

"I shall stay." He said and vanished.

He appeared on the couch, his arm around the spot you were supposed to sit. You sat down and his arm slung across your shoulders.

The seating went Cas, you, Dean then Sam on the end.

Cas wasn't into movies so he played with your hand most of the time.

"Your not enjoying the film." Cas said. Sam and Dean ignored it.

"No, its okay I guess."

Cas hugged you to him and you smiled. Cas was still learning human traits, so he didn't know when t was appropriate to hug. He did it at any moment you were distressed, even slightly. Sometimes it was annoying but you endured it anyway.

Every hug with Cas was the right moment.

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