Nightmares... And Then Some

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I probably already wrote one like this but oh well I like this

Imagine... The guys comforting you after a nightmare.



You startled awake to the heavy rocking of the boat. You looked around to see if Kev was still next to you. Your backs were pressed together and he was snoring like an asshole. A small smile spread across your lips until you remembered your dreams.

"Babe? What's wrong?" Kevin whispered, bringing you in close. You pressed a kiss on your forehead and looked ay you, begging.

"Nothing darling."


His eyes flicked black and suddenly that was all you could see.

You woke up with a cold sweat and immediately looked next to you. Dean was there, spread half across the bed. His arm was open. As hard as you tried, you couldn't erase the image of his black eyes. Even though Sam cured him, a while ago now, you waited for his apple green eyes to flick black and take your mortality.

"You okay?" Dean asked groggily. He rubbed his eyes and sat up with you. You pressed yourself into his bare cheat, waiting for warmth. He instantly wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you back under the covers.

"Yes." You muttered.

"That's good."


"Get back here you slut. This is why your father left." She brought the belt up again. It was coated and smelled like dried blood. Your blood. "He couldn't stand seeing his daughter be a slut." The belt flew down and made a sickening thwap sound against your back.

"Or maybe it was because  he hated you. He devoted his life to hating you, always have always will."

She pulled you up by the shirt and punched your eye. Tears erupted from them as she laid down another, and another, and another...

"[Y/n], wake up. Hey, wakeup." A voice urged. You rubbed your eyes an saw a concerned Sam standing over you.

"What's wrong?" Your voice was raspy. Tears burned in the back of your eyes. You always promised not to cry in front of the guys.

"You were screaming and crying." He said awkwardly, sitting down next to you. You quickly dried your eyes and sat up. You leaned in lied against his back. He turned quickly and you practically fell into his lap.

"Sorry!" He said, gently placing you back up. You wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled yourself close to him. He tested his head on your shoulder.

"Bad dream?" He asked into your shoulder.

"Bad dream."

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