Dean x Reader

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Imagine... Dean being jealous of you and Cas's friendship.


You sat next to Cas and looked at the crappy TV in front of you.

"What is this?" You asked him, looking at his brown messy hair. It was really messed up so you combed it with your fingers.

"Thank you. I've been meaning to comb my hair." He said plainly.

You herd footsteps and you turned, Dean was walking over from the table behind you. He sat down close enough for your knees to brush.

"You have a crush on Cassy?" Dean teased, staring at the screen.

"No." You truly like Dean but tried to set him off your trail.

"You sure cause-"

"I don't like him, Dean." You said, annoyed. He locked  eyes with you.

"Then who? Everyone loves someone."

"I do. I love  Cas. I love Sam." Sam looked up from his notes. He chuckled and continued reading. "And I love you."

"Whatever." He walked to his room and you followed. You could have just let it go, just forgotten the matter. But no. You couldn't.

"What's your problem?" You asked, sitting on his bed. He stood in front of you, glaring.

"My problem? You don't give me any affection. Your always with Cas or helping Sam with some crap. You  pay me no attention like I'm invisible."

"Cut that out! Jesus Christ Dean, There's no girls in this place to talk about feeling and crap so who am I supposed to got to? You don't care about that stuff but Cas listens. Sam does too."

"Maybe you should try talking then." He growled.

"I have!" You were starting to get pissed. "You don't care! Stop being such a dick and suck it up. You're not the only boy in the world.. Dammit, Dean, you act like I can only talk to you."

"Well I know I'm not the only boy but-"

"Why are you so fucking jealous! you've never been like this."

"Because I didn't love you like this before. I don't know what that feeling is." He blushed under all his freckles and stubble.

"Dude, I've had a crush on you for like, 2 years," You admitted. He walked forward and leaned down, his whole body bending. He pressed his lips to your and held your face. You pulled yourself up to him so he was standing.

"I love you." Dean breathed into your lips.

"I know."

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