Chapter 4

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Sammie's POV
I woke up to Phoebe shaking me.
"What??" I ask.
"Come on, get ready. We're going to the beach." She says
"Oh alright." I say annoyed. I grab my swim suit and cover and went to the bathroom. I changed clothes, straighten my hair, and put a little makeup on. I put my cover on and went back to the attic. I found Chris looking in the book for another demon. I grab my bag, that was behind him, and left the room. I felt really embarrassed wearing my swim suit around him. I went to the kitchen, grabbed an apple, and met Phoebe in her car. I turned the radio on and rocked out to every song. After awhile we finally got there and Phoebe had to get set up for her thingy to be on the radio. Then Smash Mouth came out and played almost every song they had. Then the Dj and Phoebe were live.
"So I don't get it. How did a young and beautiful women like you give such good advice??" The Dj asks
"Oh please. I guess I can read people really well." She says
"Well why don't you read me." He says
"Well send me a question." She answers back.
"Ok. I like this girl and I want to ask her out, but I don't know what she'll say." He tells her
"Why don't you just ask me now."
"Ooooohhhhh" says the crowd. I leave and went in the water. I swam for awhile then Chris orbed in front of me.
"Aaahh" I screamed.
"Sorry. Hey come on, we got a demon to get." He says
"Ok." I say as I grab my cover and grabbed his arm as we orbed home. Once we all got together, I stayed behind the wall, incase something goes wrong. I turn into my wolf form and wait. They summoned the demon and he appeared a few moments later.
"Piper freeze him!!" Yells Phoebe. Piper does her hand thing and blows the head off instead of freezing it.
"Oops." She says laughing. He pushes them to a wall, with his mind powers, and reached over where his other head used to be. I ran and jumped on the demon, knocking him down, long enough for them to say the spell. He lit up in flames as I got off of him. I felt this searing pain in my front paw. I turned back to my human form and saw that I burnt my hand, when I got off the demon. I went to the couch with Paige.
"What do you mean you can't heal?!" Asks Paige.
"It's a bigger power and I haven't learned it." He says
"Great, we have a whitelighter in training." Says Phoebe as she brings me a pack of ice and a rag for Paige. 'I guess she got hurt during the attack.' I think to myself. I wince as I put the ice pack on my hand.
"Why can't Leo come and heal us??" Asks Paige.
"Because he can't." says Chris
"Why can't you go get him??" Asks Phoebe.
"I didn't want to worry you, but the Elders said that Leo is missing." he says
"Missing? How long??" I ask
"Since the last time we saw him." He says
"We gotta tell Piper." I say. Phoebe and Paige nod in agreement. Paige grabs mine and Phoebe's arm and orbs us to P3. We walk in and see Daryl and Sheila leaving. Phoebe starts acting weird and talking about Piper acting weird and stuff. Then Paige pulled us out of the conversation and we went to Piper.
"Piper we need to talk. It's really important." Says Phoebe.
"Can't it wait." Says Piper.
"No it can't. Ok. I don't know how to say this, so I'm just going to flat out say it. Leo is missing." She says
"Oh ok. He'll turn up sooner or later." Says Piper
"There goes our last chance to pull Piper back to reality." Mutters Paige
"Yeah." I say back to her. I go home to change, yeah I still haven't changed out of my swim suit yet, oops. After what's been going on I haven't had time to change. I walk up to the attic to see Chris looking in the book. He looks at me, head to toe if I might add, and just stares at me. I walk to my dresser and grabbed some clothes. I went to the bathroom, changed, and went back my room, also known as the attic. I stepped in to see Chris staring at me again. I walk towards him and said, "Need any help??"
"No. It's ok. I got it."
"Ok." I say as I walk behind him and grabbed my school work. Even though I'm a witch, I still go to college. I walk towards my bed, sat down, and did my homework. I couldn't read it that well, but I didn't want to wear my classes in front of Chris and because it was where the book was and I didn't want to disturb him. I had to chose between Chris and homework. Chris. I had to squint a lot to read the paper.
"Don't you have glasses??" He asks me after awhile of staring at me.
"Yes." I say shyly.
"Where are they??" He asks
"Under the book." I say
"Why didn't you get it when you got your books and papers??" He says as he hands me my glasses.
"You were busy and I didn't want to disturb you."
"You wouldn't have disturbed me Sammie."
"Oh." I say as I put my glasses on. They're the ones that look like nerd glasses, big and square. He chuckles a bit before he says, "You look cute in those." I start to feel the heat run to my cheeks and blush madly.
"Thanks." I say
"No problem." He says. He looks me in the eyes and I look back. His eyes follow to my lips and back at my eyes. He leans in as I lean up and...............


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