Chapter 18

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~a few weeks later~

Sammie's POV
The dreams stopped, thank god, and I have finally gotten some sleep. I was laying beside Chris, studying his features, and lightly tracing random things on his arm, with my finger. I look up and see him smiling down at me.
"What are you doing??" He asks
"I don't know. What are you doing??"
"Looking at my beautiful girlfriend."
I blush and hid my face in his chest. He chuckles, his chest vibrates and tickles me, and I start giggling myself.
"What's it like for us, in the future??" I ask after we settle down. His facial expression turns from happy to sad.
"Well, umm. We were happy, but we had to run from Wyatt, all the time. We barely had anytime to ourselves." He tells me. I look down and hug him closer to me. He kisses my forehead and I snuggle closer to him.
"What am I like, in the future??"
"Perfect. Everything about you is perfect. Your laugh, your smile, just everything." He says. I giggle. We laid there, with me asking questions and him answering.

~3 hours later~

"I can't believe he did this!!" Yells Paige as she walks towards the Book of Shadows. I get up and walk towards her.
"Who did what??"
"Richard, he used magic to get rid of his bad luck, but it went flop sided and now Phoebe had bad karma from this chick named Mata Hari."
"Oh. So he was using personal gain?"
"Yes. Now I have to fix his mess. Why do guys have to make such big messes? No offense Chris."
"None taken." he says. Richard is the guys that Paige saved, from the big feud between the two families, and they have been going out as boyfriend and girlfriend for a few months now.
"So where's Phoebe now??"
"Ok. Do you need any help??"
"No. I got this. You and Chris go do something and if I need you, I'll call."
"Are you sure??"
"Yes, I'm sure Sammie." She says. I nod and pick me out some clothes. Chris picks himself out some clothes and I change in the bathroom while he changes in the bathroom after I get done. I drag Chris with downstairs.
"Where are we going??"
"You'll see." I say as I drag him towards my car. He groans and I start up the car. I bast T.N.T by AC/DC and drove off to town. I stop at the mall and we shopped while Chris groaned half the time. When we where done, we watched a movie, from the movie theater, and drove home. When we got there, I went through the clothes that I bought, tried them on and showed them off to Chris. He usually laughed, but when I put on the black dress, he stopped laughing and looked at me, in the eyes. He got up and walked towards me. He got closer until we where only a few centimeters apart.
"Have I ever told you how much I love you and how insanely beautiful you are??"
"You might've mentioned it once or twice before. Why??"
"Because seeing you in this dress makes me love you more and more by the second."
I look down, blushing, and he smiles. I turn around, to go change, but he grabs my arm. He pulls me into a passionate kiss. My knees feel like jelly and I feel like I might fall over any second. He laughs from knowing what effect he has on me. I go to the bathroom and change. I come back upstairs and cuddle close to him and fell asleep.

(I'm so sorry this chapter was so short!!! Next chapter won't be as short though.)

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