chapter 6- how time flies

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hey guys, so so sorry for not publishing! its been over a month, better make sure this chapter is a good one XD hope you enjoy xxxx

God it has been MONTHS since me and Leo got together! so much has happened! one of the main things that has happened is that Leo went on a worldwide tour with his duo Bars And Melody with Charlie! they are so amazing, I went to one of their shows and oh. my god. the amount of girls that were screaming for Leo was unbelievable! I loved it! it made me laugh so much! me and Abi were just standing there wetting ourselves! ( not literally!)

Talking of Abi something amazing happened to her too... she got a boyfriend! turns out that that Luke guy that was never really in and when he was, as always at the back of the class, loves her too! they are so cute together! they won hottest couple of the year! but Luke still isn't in much, I wonder why? Abi is my best friend, I love her to pieces ( Abi, I do mean it!) she is so pretty and nice and sweet, no wonder Luke loves her! I mean she's just so easy to talk to, she's always there for you when you need her most and she's super funny, always knows how to cheer you up on a rough day! I don't know what I would do without her! I seriously don't!

anyway, soon, me, Leo, Issy, Abi and maybe Luke, still not sure, are going on a camping trip! I am so looking forward to it because this is the moment where me are Leo are gunna finally get to be alone for a bit, not having to worry about being too cringy around other people! we have our own tent and everything! we are gunna go hiking and mountain biking and maybe even lake diving! this is gunna be so fun! I just wish that everyone could be like us, all loved up with not a care in the world, maybe on this trip I will see Leo's true colours , but this is the trip to find out if me and Leo are defiantly right for each other or not. maybe I will show MY true colours, if I have any! who knows???

will Leo show his true colours and ruin what Sammie and him have? or will it be Sammie who does it??? find out next chapter ( TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK SO FAR!!!)


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