14: Nightmare-?

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Ignore mistakes, please

Third person P.O.V

The little rattling was continuously disturbing the silence of the cabin. There wasn't much warmth but still, he wanted to just curl more and sleep off his pain, the pain he was feeling after being betrayed by the older.

When the noise didn't stop for another minute, he shoot up from the uncomfortable bed to eradicate the source of the bothersome voice.

His hazy eyes scanned the room to find it like before, without any other being inside. Leaving the bed with an annoyed expression, he trudged towards the door of the cabin as the noise was coming from outside.

Frowning to himself, he took another step forward but halted as many alarming thoughts crossed his already messed up mind.

He might be overthinking at this point but whatever had happened already, made him kinda cautious of his every move. Moreover, there wasn't anyone who can help him now.

The noise stopped suddenly, making him blink in surprise but before he could open the door, someone turned him around, almost giving him a heart attack.

A loud shrill scream left his lips but his voice almost vanished when he saw the one standing, now in front of him with a frown.

Am I dreaming again?

The first thought came and went away like the wind. It was surprising to find the raven-haired older standing right in front of him when he found no trace of him before.

"Pretty boy?" The other softly called him but he was too shocked to respond.

His shocked gaze racked from the other's face to his leg only to find him standing on one leg, his injured one sort of hanging in the air with the same bandage he had done last night. Jungkook was still in those clothes that he gave him last night to cover him. Then his eyes moved around the cabin to find the fruit basket back on the table with a few fruits and Jungkook's bag laying near the bed as well.

A rough yet warm hand softly patted his cheek, getting his attention only to gaze at those concerned dark orbs.

"Are you ok?"

No, I'm not.

"Y- yes." He breathed out, still not confirming which part is actually his nightmare.

Jungkook didn't look much satisfied with his answer, so he patted his shoulder lightly, a gesture to walk back to the bed as he was facing difficulties in standing with his injury.

Taehyung followed his silent demand and both of them ended up on the bed, facing each other.

"Now, tell me... what's wrong with you? You look awfully shocked." The raven-haired moved a bit closer, wincing lightly in the process but in the end, he left no space between them.

Taehyung was again silent, not knowing how to say his words loud. It was very much normal to freak out in the situation he was but still, he wasn't so much a coward to lose his head completely.

Everything was so real, he could still feel how he was trembling in fear when he couldn't find the other. It was so clear how his mind went almost blank when he saw the dead body of that girl-

"That girl!" The first word he breathed out before sprinting out of the cabin, not even caring about anything else.

"Hey! Tae-" Jungkook became quiet when he saw the other rushing towards the fence only to step back in what seemed like, another shock.

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