28: Pain

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Ignore mistakes please

Third person P.O.V

"What are you thinking, sir? I can take you there before dawn." The person with black hair with an undercut, bulging muscles, and pierced eyebrows, just gave the older a look.

"And how much would you charge for that?" The cab driver smiled at the question and showed him the meter inside his cab.

"I don't need to say that, you will know yourself." Nodding to that, the younger one entered the cab and made himself busy with his phone, not forgetting to share his current location with his friend.

"I'm kinda surprised, no one was ready to go this far through the car and you approached me. Tell me, are you involved in some sort of dirty business?" The driver chuckled at that, shaking his head in denial before showing his driving license.

"Here, you can have it till we reach your destination. Also, I don't want to earn some money by doing sins." The buff man rolled his eyes before plunging earphones into his ear, keeping his eyes fixed on the route.


'The driver is quite suspicious. Stay alert, just in case.'

He exhaled once the message was sent and leaned back on the leather seat, totally aware of his surroundings.


"Pup, it's already night. Please, eat something. You look drained from your previous attack." Jungkook tried to coax the younger who was sitting like a statue since the time he revealed his true self.

Taehyung was not responding to him in any way, keeping himself silent like the silence before the storm. But only he knew, what kind of storm was already wild inside his mind, as he tried his best to keep himself much stronger throughout the situation.

He flinched when the rough yet warm hand was placed over his cheek but just as before, he yanked it away without any particular expression. Jungkook inhaled sharply at the gesture but smiled lightly.

"Take your time, baby. But," Suddenly, he leaned forward to invade the other's space. "Make sure to be normal soon, I'm not liking this behavior of yours." His speech ended up with a pout and Taehyung might've laughed at the expression the other showed but the situation was not like that.

It was still unbelievable for him. For the first time, he actually fell in love with someone and that person has to be this twisted. He always dreamed to have a lovey-dovey time with his love, enjoying life in the best way possible, making his love feel the strong desire to stay with them.. but to his luck, his dreams were now falling apart, slowly and painfully.

"Why do you have to be like that?" He mumbled out in his own thoughts, not noticing the other heard it clearly and reacted by clenching his fists but said nothing.

The frustration, sadness, anger, betrayal, everything was so strong, and yet, he was sitting straight, trying his hardest to show that he wasn't breaking.

"I loved you from the bottom of my heart, but- but you broke it. Why do you-" Gulping down his urge to cry out loudly, to wail till his burning chest can rest in peace, he inhaled deeply before facing the other's blank eyes.

"Why can't you just make it normal? Why can't we be back like before? Why can't you leave this hell?!" His voice came out louder than before but the other seemed unfazed.

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