37: Deja vu

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Ignore mistakes please

Third person P.O.V

The loud noise made the sleepy brunet jolt up in surprise, his breathing was ragged because he was stuck in a small space in another nightmare he just had. His frantic eyes met with the source of noise to find the window open and the curtains waving.

Taking some deep breaths to calm his mind, he got up to find himself alone on the bed. Well, in the past days, the silver-haired never left him alone if we deduct the few hours he went out because of his business. But finding himself alone on the bed at night, he felt a bit disappointed.?

Shaking his head, he got up, keeping the silk sleeping rob in place with one fist as the other hand was busy keeping his fringes away from his eyes. The dimly lit room was silent except for the loud voice from the outside.

Reaching the open window, he looked out to find the deep night, darkness, and that specific smell in the air that indicates the wet mud.

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath to take the nice and calm scent in his lungs, but suddenly he recalled a memory where this calming scent was mixed with a prickly smell of blood. The once softly lidded eyes opened up in distress on recalling another scattered flash from his nightmare.

"When will I be normal?" Muttering to himself, he closed the window and went back to bed. Time passed on but Jungkook didn't come back which made him wonder about the older.

It felt like a deja vu to his clouded mind but he shrugged it off and went out of the room to find the hallway was dark just like the outside.

"Jungkook?" He softly called the other but got no response. "Jay?" Even the servant was nowhere to be found.

"Where did they go?" Frowning in displeasure, he checked every room to find them empty, like completely empty. He barely visited the mansion and the closed rooms but, now when he accidentally did, he found it weird. Unlike the hallway and the room he was sleeping in, those were without any sort of furniture or even lights.

Closing the door again, he went to the couch in the hallway as he wasn't ready to sleep alone when the storm was wild outside. Leaning back on the couch, he recalled his conversation with Jungkook yesterday at lunch.

"I don't want to stay here." Taehyung broke the silence to which Jungkook stopped his hand from moving any further, the small piece of potato fell back into the plate from his chopsticks.

"But why, love? You requested to come here."

"But, I'm not liking the environment anymore. It continuously reminds me of the nightmare I lived in for so long. The open air suffocates me when I can't pinpoint everything clearly." Jungkook sighed and dragged his chair near the other to softly cup his cheek.

"Baby, it will be fine. You are doing better than before. Sooner, you will adapt to it, this is better for your health." Taehyung removed the hand from his face and looked directly into the eyes of the older.

"Please, if you came here on my request, then I'm requesting you again, I don't want to live here. There is nothing to distract me except for a few books. I can't contact anyone. I really want to meet the people on my contact list, need to recall something about them. Please, Jungkook." His eyes were almost wet when he let out his point.

Taking a brief moment to ponder on the request, the older finally nodded his head. "Fine, but love it's not possible on an emergency basis. I sold my property in Seoul to build this mansion and also used the remaining amount to invest in my business. I can't- sorry baby, but I can't do it right now." Jungkook looked really apologetic and Taehyung felt a bit defeated.

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