063. "we keep behind closed doors"

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19:09 ─❁────────── 19:79

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And meet me there tonight

And let me know that it's not all in my mind


          AS THE FOUR SAT UNDER the shaded beech tree, books spread out, Lucia scribbled violently her quill over the piece of parchment. The euphoria and adrenaline of the memorable Quidditch match finally died when it dawned on her just how many days they had until the O.W.L.s and she felt as if she was beyond unprepared. Ron, however, could not stop talking about it.

"Well, I mean, I'd already let in that one of Davies's, so I wasn't feeling that confident, but I dunno, when Bradley came toward me, just out of nowhere, I thought — you can do this! And I had about a second to decide which way to fly, you know, because he looked like he was aiming for the right goal hoop — my right, obviously, his left — but I had a funny feeling that he was feinting, and so I took the chance and flew left — his right, I mean — and — well — you saw what happened," he concluded modestly, sweeping his hair back quite unnecessarily so that it looked interestingly windswept and glancing around to see whether the people nearest to them — a bunch of gossiping third-year Hufflepuffs — had heard him. "And then, when Chambers came at me about five minutes later — what?" Ron said, stopping mid-sentence at the look on Harry's face. "Why are you grinning?"

"I'm not," said Harry quickly, looking down at his Transfiguration notes and attempting to straighten his face. The truth was that Ron had just reminded Harry forcibly of another Gryffindor Quidditch player who had once sat rumpling his hair under this very tree. "I'm just glad we won, that's all."

"Yeah," said Ron slowly, savoring the words, "we won. Did you see the look on Chang's face when Lucia got the Snitch right out from under her nose?"

"Must we really talk about this again?" said Lucia bashfully, her plump cheeks reddened in embarrassment the dozenth time today. "I've been approached by so many people these days because of it; I'm not very sure what they mean by 'Spectacular entrance' per se,"

"Come off it!" Ron accused. "You knew what you were doing."

"I really didn't..." said Lucia truthfully. "I was just too focus on catching the Snitch and ending it all. Plus, my thighs were killing me riding that bloody broom,"

Before Ron could retort, Harry said bitterly, "I suppose she cried, did she?"

Lucia looked at Harry questionably, but every time her eyes laid upon him, she couldn't help but be reminded of the sweet kiss they shared, causing her to look back down her parchment rather quickly. Hermione quirked a brow at this.

𝐢. 𝐌𝐈𝐂𝐑𝐎𝐂𝐎𝐒𝐌𝐈𝐂 ; harry j. potter ( UNEDITED )Where stories live. Discover now