xi. remnants of our pain

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   THERE were few things that could bring Ivy comfort in times when she needed to be grounded.

   The biggest of her comfort techniques, pressing flowers, had been crossed off; a large assortment of Stefan's books scattered across his bedroom floor, sporting flowers pressed between the wilted pages, so she had to try something else.

   The so-called sweatpants had brought her a sense of comfort, so much so that Stefan had got her a few of her own pairs, along with socks he had called "fuzzy socks" and a few other items of clothing.

   His girlfriend, Elena, had also picked some things out for Ivy; items that would have been a bit uncomfortable to have her twin seek out, seeing as Ivy was still forbidden to leave their home.

   She knew it was for the best, but she couldn't help but want to explore the world she had been placed in.

   Maybe I can do that when I stop battling cell phones and calling Damon a gibface.

   She was not ready for the modern world, but she was for sure going to enjoy the luxuries of it; her sweatpants, her warm socks, her right to vote, her cellphone Stefan had gifted her, although it was lying underneath her bed in the guest room after making an odd noise.

   But in her new modern life, she had discovered new things outside of the world of comfortable clothing that would be able to soothe her mind.

   The biggest was a thing she discovered called yoga.

   It had been mentioned in a few of the books she had been given, so naturally, she became curious and sought out Stefan to explain it in what she had called "simple yet not modern" so she was able to comprehend it.

   After receiving a basic explanation, Stefan decided to lend her his laptop to research and pick out a few things "online" so she would be entertained once he went back to school.

   She had picked out several things, remembering Stefan's instructions on how to "add something to the cart", whatever that meant. When she was done selecting clothing and other things Stefan said were a necessity if she wanted to try yoga, she sought her twin out and watched with fascination as he bought the items.


   With a card?

   Her shock over the way Stefan purchased the items was dimmed when the boxes arrived at their home the next day. Ivy was startled, staring at the return label that stated the boxes came from states away from Virginia, which prompted yet another lesson from Stefan about how postal services worked now.

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