💪U gotta bae? OR NAWHHHH😩

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I haven't been updating cuz this is where I've been:

Also I've been trying to eat healthier cuz my biggest problem was eating and not staying full like fr I'd be hungry again within 2 hours and that's no bueno 💀

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Also I've been trying to eat healthier cuz my biggest problem was eating and not staying full like fr I'd be hungry again within 2 hours and that's no bueno 💀

Soo my current plan is:

Chocolate protein shake smoothie (recipe below 😩)
1 cup of almond milk (or other alternatives)
1 scoop of chocolate protein powder
2 tbsp of peanut butter
1 banana
As much ice as you prefer, I add more to make it thicker so its not so watery
(These keep me full for 3-4 hours depending on when I workout 💪😩)

Chocolate peanut butter protein bar (meal replacement kind)
(Keep me full for about 2 hours, also depends on when I workout)

Usually whatever I decide to make, otherwise I'll just eat a protein bar if I have a late breakfast that day

If I get hungry between meals or after dinner since I go to bed really late I'll just have a little of whatever so I'm not completely disciplining myself. I try to have whatever "one serving" is considered on the packaging, though. Totally removing things you enjoy will only make you want them more if you're not actively working out. Otherwise, you stop craving "junk" when you're consistent

Yeah that's all lmfao #hotgirlsummer


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