💖 BIG THANK YOU (sobbing) ‼️

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Omg thank you all again for 1k followers, like I mentioned in my announcement, I didn't ever expect more than 10. This is insane-

I started this account just shy of 8 years ago when I was simply a ball of dough. I really grew up and baked into the breadstick I am today, which is crazy to think about. I really have an old friend to thank who was the one who introduced me to the world of fanfiction and Wattpad. Otherwise, I wouldn't even be here. So thank you, old friend :)

I remember working on my first draft for the very first fic I made (rip to that story, mega cringe. I unpublished it btw), and that little story got me hooked on reading and writing fics on here. As cringe as my old material used to be, without that either, I would not be here. You have to start somewhere, whether it's good or not. I am proud of how my writing style has changed as I've practiced and gotten older. Attack on Titan may not be as popular anymore, but I'll gladly continue to write fairytales for those who are still as big of fans as me.

I even met lots of cool people and still talk to a few to this day. It's crazy to think about how one little thing can change your life. What if I made my account on a different day? What if I didn't read that story? What if I didn't even make this account? It's just a bizarre thought, but I'm so glad things worked out the way that they did and I'm still friends with those few people I met all those years ago. We all grew up together :')

Anyway, I don't want to make this too long or accidentally make it a biography, but I'm just amazed by how far this has come. I don't even know what to expect in the next few years, I certainly didn't know back then when I had first started. I definitely didn't imagine I would still be writing silly little stories at my age now, but here we are (no, some part of me definitely thought I would do this forever, and maybe I will)!

So again, thank you everyone whether you've been here since the early days or you're a newcomer to my page. I really appreciate all the support throughout my time here and I can't wait to continue.

 I really appreciate all the support throughout my time here and I can't wait to continue

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~AlpineBreadStick (Al 🩷)

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