Chapter 8

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Warning: This chapter is a bit graphic and bloody, I'll put astrics where it will get gory. You have been warned.


After gathering all of the ingredients needed for a human body, Akira and Ling carefully manage to sneak away from Ed and Al, the blonde girl's brown leather bag clinging tightly to her shoulder. She had already formed her plan just a few weeks ago, without her brothers' knowledge, of course. Akira knew the cost of trying to bring her brother back, but she believed that unlike Edward and Alphonse, she could succeed. The only thing that she felt guilty of was that Ling had no idea what the sacrifice might consist of.

They stop in front of a metal door leading into an old abandoned building. Akira has to shove her shoulder against the iron before it opens - it's eerie creaking doing nothing to calm her nerves. Breathing out a long sigh, she steps further into the room and takes a look at her surroundings. They seem to be in a hangar of some sort, but what it had originally been built for, she hasn't a clue. At least she didn't need to worry about any interruptions.

She turns to Ling, her expression unusually serious. "I need you to wait for me outside, Ling. If . . . If anything bad happens, I need you to get Ed and Al."

He nods silently, his eyes widening. "What's going to happen?"

She doesn't answer. Instead, she just waits for the Xingese prince to walk out of the room and guard the door.

Without anymore delay, Akira carefully digs through her bag, grabbing her brown leather gloves along with a white piece of chalk. She takes out the other ingredients that she has stowed away in glass jars and bottles, carefully setting them to the side. Akira gets to work on drawing the large human transmutation circle, managing to draw it perfectly despite her shaking hands.


Finally, the finishing touches are added, completing the circle. She takes the bottles of ingredients and begins to carefully pour them into the tub that she had laid out in the center. Akira unsheathes her new dagger that Edward made for her through alchemy, wincing slightly as she slices it against her palm. She holds her hand out towards the tub, watching as her blood gushes down her wrist and drops into the ingredients. She feels the hairs on her arm rise, shivering at the sudden pulse of electricity in the air. The circle begins to glow a violent blue.

During this though, something horrible begins to happen. Akira soon begins to feel a white hot pain in both of her legs, and soon she is forced to the ground. When she reaches down to grab them, she is met with an empty space. Her eyes widen in horror as blood immediately begins to pour from where her legs used to be. She whimpers as the pain blinds her vision, her breathing labored, but then she remembers what she was originally doing. The girl looks over to the middle of the transmutation circle, to see something that would chill her to the bone.

There is some sort of body, the skin is charred black and its head upside down. It's jaw widens, frightening the poor girl even more. Akira cries out and tries to back away, using her arms in order to move. Suddenly, a large white portal of some sort opens out of thin air. She tries her best to shy away, but it's no use. The blonde is soon being lifted by dozens of black arms through the portal, despite her protests and screams.

"L-Let me go!" She shouts, trying to squirm away from the arms. Soon, her mind is absorbing too many things and images at once. She tries to concentrate on them, but there's just too many things. A flash of blue eyes can be seen as she's pulled away by the arms once again. "N-No! Aito!" She reaches out, but she's soon surrounded by a white light as she's suddenly dropped to the ground. The room she is now in is completely white, and a large door is standing behind her. She doesn't notice there is a translucent silhouette in front of her, that is until it speaks.

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