Episode 4: Hide and Seek

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I've been having a few bad days recently, it's taken a toll on my motivation, which explains the lack of updates for not just this story, but for my others as well. It's just I've had too many bad days too recent, and I crashed. I will admit that I cried, but the quality of crying will remain undisclosed. This is just something that happens to me monthly, except this time it escalated into something worse than usual, people sometimes are just cruel for no reason, especially toxic women.

I isolated myself for a while, the only faces I saw were RoseTheMagicalFlowerHowardTheAwesome1 & ReidTheSniper. And of course, I occasionally/mostly talked to the VIPs, which helped bring my spirits up. I'm not trying to guilt trip you into saying kind words, I'm just explaining why I haven't updated in a while.

I also want to say this to the VIPs, there's a specific reason why the four of you are included in every single Steven Universe story. It's because the four of you are my motivation to keep going on with the stories. I've probably said this a lot, but this time, it's coming from my heart. 

Feedback from you four is why I continue to write. Because without you four, I probably would've given up. You know that feeling of joy when you get something great like your favorite food or when you earn money?

That's what it's like when one/all of you comment on a part. Just pure reward dopamine in my brain (I'm exaggerating for that part, don't take it too seriously). Anyway, here's the VIPs and the start of this Episode.



Previously on Steven Universe: 

(Moonlight) Is he dead?!

(Leo) He's still breathing.




(Leo) You've developed new powers?

(Yellow Diamond) Indeed.


(Rose) I was only trying to help.


(Leo) Steven's missing. He--

(White Diamond) Warped away. You three followed him and you're looking for him on Homeworld.


(Steven) Then what ARE you trying to say?! That you're better than me?!

(White Diamond) From where I'm standing, yes.




Samuel's P.O.V.

Little Homeworld:

June 10th, 2017. 8:29 PM.

I don't remember what exactly happened after I saw Steven's eyes opened, it was all a big pink blur. What I do remember is me and Leo going behind a dumpster to avoid detection from some creature. After a while, we walked around Little Homeworld to look for the others.

The town was abandoned. All the common folk have ran off to either Beach City or to Homeworld as soon as they saw some hulking pink creature running around. We walked carefully down the paths, observing the destruction this beast has made in it's path. 

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