Chapter 1: 1:00pm

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I took a seat in the desolate library and opened up my maths book, sighing and checking the time. Half an hour until the end of lunch, I could get it completed in time. I stretched my arms and checked my phone, groaning when I realised I had no signal. After about 10 minutes, four people came running in, two boys and two girls, one girl looked about two years younger than me, probably around the age of 14. Her face was strained in panic, she and one of the boys looked petrified. The other boy however, just quickly slammed the library door shut and snapped at the four of us to help him to stack chairs and tables in front of it. I sat up a bit straighter, folded my arms and demanded them to tell me what was going on. None of them replied, instead, they obeyed his order and swiftly began helping him to block the door shut, trying to move as quickly as possible.

I rolled my eyes and went back to my homework; they were probably just messing around or trying to frighten me. As soon as they were finished, the older girl who was in the year below me, advised me to hide somewhere and informed me that two of the most dangerous people in England had managed to escape from Changworth prison. Almost instantly as this was said, a piercing scream that echoed through the hallway outside of the library was cut short by a loud gunshot. I felt my face drain of colour as I knocked my chair over and sprinted to hide behind the librarians desk, the other students all ran to hidden places, trying to move as quietly as possible. I glanced quickly to my right and saw the 14 year old girl crouching next to me, she was breathing rapidly, her long, black hair was tangled and her sapphire eyes were filled with un-shed tears.

I tried to smile reassuringly at her, but instead it came out like a grimace. I quickly looked away and focused my attention on the floor, trying to breathe as steadily as I could in a situation like this. I closed my eyes and tried to swallow the lump that was building in my throat as I heard two deep voices drift past the door that was only a few feet away from me. I leaned my head on the cool, brown desk as my shallow breaths began to return to normal and my racing heart began to slow down as my brain processed that we were no longer in as much danger. However, the girl with black hair began to sob loudly, causing me to crawl over to her and wrap my arms around her as she continued to cry onto my shoulder. I rocked her gently and tried to calm her down, telling her that everything would be okay. Eventually, her cries were muffled into quiet gasps and a steady stream of tears; she pulled away from me and sat back against the white wall, gazing up at the basic ceiling.

I gradually rose to my feet and began to move to the door, when I heard running feet and loud yelling, followed by more gunshots. I leapt away from the door, shuddering. I had a good idea of what was going on outside and I decided to stay put in the library. I scanned the room and found a large round table in the middle of the reading section, I motioned the young girl to get up and she wordlessly followed me to the table. We sat down and we were soon joined by the other three pupils, one of the boys being hauled over by what looked like his younger brother. We sat in silence, processing the fact that we were stuck in a school with two crazy murderers and no phone signal. If this wasn't hell, I don't know what is.

-----------------------------------------Sorry if this is awful, it's my first story that I've written outside of school haha. Hope you enjoyed it and I will update it as soon as I can c:

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