'California Here We Come'

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I arrived at Cayde's to see him running around like a chicken with his head cut off, I looked at Gage and Drax who were helping him.

"What happened?"

"Slept late, forgot to pack, and on the verge of breaking into fits" Gage told me I sighed, and went to help.

It was four o'clock when we got him settled and put the suitcases in his Jeep, I put my motorcycle in his garage.

I smiled as we went to the airport, we took the interstate.

Cayde parked, and we grabbed our bags.

Are you serious? I thought as we got on our private plane.

We smiled at each other, and saw wine From: Lightning Strike, it read, Drax popped it open and poured some in four glasses, and we sat in the chairs, I sighed.

"Hey look" he said, and the TV turned on, I saw it had a webcam on top of it.

Four faces were on the TV, that's when I figured out they could see us and we could see them.

"Hey, Metal Warriors, how you liking the plane?" one asked, and I figured it out, Lightning Strike.

Lead singer Vinney Lowcay, electric guitarist Marcus Price, Bass guitarist Nicky Vinlay, and drummer Tamin Gerlap.

I smiled "Oh My God, your like, my favorite band" I said, and smiled.

Tamin Gerlap looked real good at the instruments, and noticed Cayde's drums "Nice."

Cayde laughed "This is so awesome."

"So, how does it feel to be comin' to L.A to be on Band Wars?"

"The Competition?" I asked, and nodded "Awesome, I mean, I never thought I would be on my way to try and be a rockstar."

Vinney laughed "Nice, what's your real names by the way?"

"Drax Kayward."

"Cayde Janson."

"Gage Tyson."

"Cassidy Marie Lovine."

"Of course you know ours" Vinney said, they laughed.

We nodded "I just can't believe we are almost to L.A" Cayde said.

"Yeah. I'm glad that Jake guy got caught, we have enough singers in this competition, we need more Rock and Metal bands anyway" Marcus price said, I smiled and nodded.


"We will see you when you land" Vinney said, and smiled "Until then, see you later Metal Warriors."

The screen went black, and we all were silent.

"We are going to meet Lightning Strike in person!" I squealed, and fell off my seat, they laughed at me.

"Very funny."


"Now landing in L.A" a voice said over the speakers, and Rush began playing Tom Sawyer again.

I sighed, and as the plane stopped, I unbuckled, I took a sip of water, and Cayde reached above my seat and got my bag and rolling suitcase.

I put my bag over my head, grabbed my black leather purse, my water and suitcase, and we all exited the plane.

We walked off the steps, me holding onto the railing, I was on the last step when it happened.

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