chapter 11: meeting miko nakadai (the past prt 2)

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When i confessed too miko i was finally happy too admit my feelings too the right girl in school and people say that we're weird but i didn't care i love people by just being themselves like miko i was also made fun of because of the way i looked and the two of us agreed too always be their for eachother no matter what people or even adults would say at all knowing that loving someone who loves your back is very important dad taught me that, i still remember the first day that we met in preschool.

flashback-> first day of preschool sofia POV->

When dad dropped me off too class i was introduced and the kids already don't like me at but than i saw my friends the techs and we meet on the swings and i saw a girl sitting by herself and i went over too her and introduced myself too the girl,

Younger sofia said,

"Hi my names sofia fowler, whats your name?"

Younger miko said,

"My names Miko, me and my family just moved from japan and right now kids think i'm already weird already so i don't have any friends."

I felt really bad for miko cause i know what it's like too being made fun of and that what gave me an idea,

Younger sofia said,

"Why don't you come and hangout with me and my friends, we can help you build some confidence in yourself, we won't judge you miko, people already see us as weird too and your sister is hanging out with us as well,s o what do you say? Wanna hangout with us."

And she agreed too hangout with us and we've been friends ever since than and getting too no eachother and hanging out together, cause thats when i started developing feelings for her in middle school and i've been trying too work up the guts too ask her out but i've been too scared that i haven't told dad about my feelings for miko, he's just gonna think that miko is a bad influence on me anyway so i kept my feelings too myself ever since than, and dad and i haven't been close as we once were at all.

End of flashback->

End of Sofia's POV->

Miko's POV->

When sofia confessed her feelings too me i was surprised that she liked me and right now i've been in love with her since the first day of preschool nd right i've had a crush on her for a while and right now i'm just glad that she is my first official girlfriend ever in the hole world and i hope that we can keep our relationship together and stronger than ever.

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