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(A/N: Updated this!! This us just a 1998 era)

Daron's pov

I was currently sitting in my therapy office or whatever you'd like to call it, after arguing with Shavo about going for over an hour.

Worst part about it was the fact that I had to go alone. Serj was the person I signed to be here with me, so my anxiety kicked pretty hard.

"So what made you come here before your next appointment?" My therapist asked me. (Feel free to put any name u want.)

"My friend." I said bluntly.

"Do you know why he made you?" He turned in his spinny chair.

"Because the other day I threw a pillow across the room and broke a bunch of shit. I told him I saw a bug, but he doesn't believe me. Quite honestly he has the right to not." I mumbled the last part.

"Well why doesn't he, he must have a reason." He typed something into his computer.

"Erm- Well because it's not exactly the truth." I finally admitted.

'Don't do this Daron, not a good idea.'

"Shut up." I muttered.

"What?" He turned back at me.

"Uh sorry nothing."

"So tell me what's going on? Why did you throw the pillow?" He asked, finally done typing.

"I hear voices, well specially a voice." It felt so good to get that off my chest, but now I had a bad feeling about it.

"What does it say?" he looked more concerned, which worried me.

"Tells me to kill myself, cut myself, that my husband left me for a reason, and mostly not to tell anyone about it." I felt my eyes fill with tears.

"Oh- well um- hold on ill be back." He left the room.

'Way to go, now he even thinks your crazy. You fucked up another thing again. No shocker, you've always been the fuck up huh?'

"Leave me alone." I tried staying quiet.

'Just the truth, next thing you know, Shavo's gone too.'

"Shut up, shut up, shut up!!" I yelled putting my hands over my ears. I knew something was wrong, very very wrong.

Sometimes the voice sounded like it was right next to me.

"What's going on?!" My therapist knelt down to me. I continued to keep my ears plugged as I rocked back in forth. I couldn't do it anymore, it was driving me absolutely crazy.

"Daron!" He snapped in my face. I still refused to move.

"Leave me alone!! What do you fucking want from me!?" I yelled pushing him away. I tried running out but I was caught by two men.

"No! Let me go!!" I kicked my legs as they carried me out.

"W-where are we going?" I looked up. The didn't say anything, next thing I knew I was in the back of a van with my hands tied away.

"Let me the fuck go! I didn't do anything, please!" I cried. I kept trying to pull at the chains on my wrists, but it was pointless. It was like I was a prisoner.

'What did I say? Now your definitely crazy, should've killed yourself when I told you too.'

"Your not real! Your in my head so fuck off!" I yelled. I didn't care if I looked insane anymore I needed this damn thing to leave me.

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