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Daron's pov

"Ok now that's unacceptable!" I yell.

"No it's not! It's fair game bud!" Shavo yells back.

"No it's not!!" I pout.

"Your just mad I can fight and you can't, remember that?!" He yells as he holds my hands above my head.

"Fuck you! You- you can't do that!" I try to kick him.

"I can." I puts a sly smirk on his face.

"Fine, you win, now let me go bitch!!" I finally manage to kick him off. I immediately get to my feet and run upstairs. I hear Shavo yell something from downstairs but I couldn't tell what he said.

I quickly sprinted through the halls as a burst of energy energy hit me.

"Fucking shit." I grunted as I tripped over something.

"Jesus you good?" I heard Serj laugh.

"Yep, wonderful, just admiring this beautiful floor." I said rubbing the floor.

"Your so fucking weird." He said as he helped me up. I wiped down my shirt as Serj laughed at me.

"Thanks." I grunted.

"Yeah, your bleeding." He pointed to my nose. I lifted my hand to my nose and instantly regretted it.

"Ow cock sucker!" I saw the blood on my hands. Let's remember, I hate fucking blood, especially when it's mine.

"Alright, let's go to the bathroom and clean you up." He stopped laughing and took me to the bathroom. I may have seemed like I toughened up, maybe emotionally wise, but when I get hurt, yeah no, I don't think so.

I kept touching my nose even though it hurt.

"Stop doing that, it's gonna hurt worse the more you touch it, the worse it'll hurt baby." He said softly. 'Baby' I instantly melted and got butterflies in my stomach.

"Shit i'm sorry." He quickly said stopping in his tracks.

"I-it's ok." I put my head down to stop him from seeing the blush on my face.

"Uhm anyways, sit on the counter and i'll take a look at it." He fake coughed.

"Daron i'm gonna kick yo- What happened?!" Shavo ran in looking at my bloody face then at Serj.

"Did you-"

"No! Shavo, look at me!" I yelled before Shavo ran to conclusions.

"I fell trying to run from you and Serj was there when I fell, he's just helping me, go calm yourself." I tried to give him a reassuring smile.

"Ok, sorry." He let out a breath.

"It's cool." Serj said grabbing the medical kit. Shavo walked out as Serj came over with some supplies.

He grabbed gauze from the kit and dabbed the blood from around my nose.

"I'm gonna have too put some inside to stop it and I won't lie it will hurt." He said sympathetically.

"No, please, just let me bleed out!" I begged, I did not want my nose hurting anymore.

"Well Daron, bleeding out would probably hurt a lot more, this will only be a few minutes." He held up two pieces of gauze.

"How will I breathe?! Are you trying to kill me instead, because I think that will hurt 10x more then bleeding out or putting gauze in my nose!!" I freaked.

"Your so stubborn, you can breathe from your mouth D. Stop being a baby and let me fix your nose or it won't stop hurting and i'll take you too a hospital will they'll touch it and it'll hurt so much worse then what i'm doing." He raised his eyebrows at me. Bitch.

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