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Wilbur POV
I'm not insane. I'm not. I don't hear voices, I don't wish others ill. I don't crave death.

You have to believe me, these thoughts are not my own. They just live in my head.

They won't go away, I've tried. I've screamed at them, I've yelled and shouted, I've banged on the walls. These thoughts are not my own.

They aren't always even thoughts, they're just little nudges in the back of my head. I don't hear them when it's loud, but I do when it's quiet. I don't like the quiet. I did at one point, I would go and play my guitar or write lyrics in the quiet. But now they write them.

They have stripped me of my name and replaced it with a new one, although I can't complain. My names better now. I'm better now. Not all the thoughts bouncing around my head are there's, just the appealing ones. The good ones.

Maybe at first I didn't see it, maybe I didn't understand them. Why should I destroy what I've worked so hard to build? Why should I not let the others have there way? But then I hear them, whispering at night. Echoing.

What I had built became tyranny. The others didn't know the way. That's why I had to blow it up, my unfinished symphony. The echos bounced throughout my head. It was never meant to be.

I'm not insane. I'm really not, but this will be my third transfer. I've moved from place to place, all of them full of people who thought they could save me. That they could fix me.

First it was L'Manburg. I had practically built it along with Tubbo and Tommy. I had built it. It was mine. They didn't deserve to be able to kick me out, Shlatt was new. Why did he get to be the one who made the choices. He was the worst guard and an even worse leader.

Then it was Pogtopia. Shlatt had kicked me out, he was done with me. Their methods weren't working, not on me. Not even on Tommy or Tubbo. Here we built a life again. With Techno and Phil. It was good but the echos didn't silence.

And so I escaped. I went back to L'manburg, I blew it to the ground. I found Phil, begged him to kill me, but he refused. I was returned back to pogtopia but not for long. They're sending me to the last place possible. The place for lost causes, when they've given up on you. There's only one rule; No escaping.

I got my own car, and me and the driver have sat in silence. What's there to talk about anyways? I'm on my way to the Dream SMP, my life will never be the same.

You don't want to go back to your old life anyways.

The echoes came again. They always came, but they were never wrong. I know that now. I'm not the person I used to be, I'm not William Gold, I'm Wilbur Soot. I'm not a musician, I'm a leader. I'm not a hero, so I'll be the bad guy.

Word of what I had done had already spread to every hospital in the area, I was sure of it. The echoes were sure of it.

The stories of a man who built an empire in an insane asylum. The stories of brothers who fought for each other and for independence. The stories of Lmanburg.

Then the stories of an exhumed ruler and a broken kid. The stories of how an insane asylum had brought out the worst in people. The stories of pogtopia.

Now we go to the last place we can, the place for the lost causes. All because they think we're crazy, because they think we're wrong.

They don't even consider the truth, they don't think it possible much less factual.

Sometimes you have to break to become whole.

Sometimes you have to hurt to be healed.

Sometimes you have to kill to feel alive.

And sometimes you have to be crazy enough to not go insane.

Let the rest of the world believe the lies. Let the rest of the world believe that they've don't need to be saved. Don't need to be helped.

Let the rest of the world believe that we are the ones who are insane.

Let the rest of the God damn world believe that they didn't make us this way—

Everything stopped. The car stopped moving, the engine stopped screaming, even the echoes silenced, just for a second.

Just for a second, I had silence. Just for a second I was alone.

But then they came back with a startling realization. I had arrived.

I was at the SMP, and I may never leave. The echoes were screaming at me, I couldn't even make out words.

It. Was. So. Damn. Loud.

I didn't start off insane, I didn't. I still don't believe I really am. I used to yearn for the silence, true silence. Now, things are different, I'm never alone. I'm never lonely. All I know is in the quiet the echos only grow.

Next chapter will be far longer, just wanted to show y'all the day before he arrives. Please comment and/or vote!

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