So this is the SMP

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Wilbur POV

The driver pressed a button, and the door opened. I stepped outside, into the sun, it had been so damn long since I had seen the sun. With an 18 hour drive, and only a few stops, I grew used to the darkness. The windows were blacked out where I was, I guess they were scared I would see too much. They're always scared.

"Well, well, well," I heard a monotone voice say from my side. "Look who finally made it."

"Hey Tech, who all's here yet?" I asked, turning to look at the pinknette.

"Just us and Tommy." He answered, motioning to the blonde coming up beside me on my left.

"Great, should we wait for the others then?" I smiled.

"I don't think we have much of a choice." He said, gesturing in front of us.

"You must be the famous—what do you call yourselves?" I saw a heard of people coming at us, stopping in and near the door way. Two bruenettes were just outside it, as well as a blonde clinging to one of them. The first wore a blue shirt and had goggles on his head, as the second one had a white shirt, with a fire symbol on it. The blonde was leaning on him, whispering something in his ear as they both giggled, he wore a purple hoodie, almost falling on top of the bruennete with laughter. Then in the middle of them all, leaning on the door frame, was a blonde with piercing green eyes. He wore a lime green hoodie, with a smiley face on it, ripped jeans, and a mask covering the top half of his face. He was breathtaking, and he knew it too. He smirked at us as he spoke, coking his head to the side, slightly. "Sleepy boys, huh?" Now then, which one of you is the leader, hmm?"

"Aren't there supposed to be more of them?" The shorter one said, readjusting his goggles.

Aren't there always supposed to be more? More of this and more of that? Doesn't it ever get tiring wishing for more and more and more?

Shut up. Shut the hell up, just shut the fuck up. I can't focus when you are echoing around my God damn head.

"Yeah none of them could be the leaders." The purple one said, finally regaining composure, although there was still a tint of laughter behind his voice.

They don't know what you're capable of.

"I don't know, look at the pig looking one, he seems capable." The obvious arsonist said.

"Could be second in command, doesn't look to be great in social situations." Googles replied, amused.

"Yeah just look at the way he's standing." The purple one agreed.

"Talk about my brother one more time and you'll regret it." Tommy growled walking closer to the strange man.

Looks like someone's going to get himself hurt.

"Oh yeah?" The arsonist responded, going to protect his friend. Well, friend might not have described there relationship as he seemed more protective then most. "And what are you going to do about it?"

He grabbed Tommy by the collar of his shirt, yanking him hard, and got ready to punch, as his hand was caught in the air.

"Get your hands off him." Techno commanded, coming to Tommy's rescue.

"Only if you get your hands off him." Goggles said, stepping forward to join the fight. The one in the purple shirt looked ready to take a stand as well, as the blonde in the middle never left his post in the door. He seemed content watching us, studying us.

"How about we all settle down, before I let my Son's have some real fun?" I heard Phil threaten, as he came forward to meet Tevhno and Tommy at their sides. I saw Tubbo follow close behind, whispering something to Tommy from the side.

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