Rimuru's Adopted Daughter?

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Hai!! Hai!! it's me your MC Rimuru Tempest!

it's been 10 years since the Tenma war now.

and the world is now peaceful thanks to your MC right here. (HEE... HEE...)

well... not completely peaceful, there are still some bastards out there in the world.

(HEE... HEE...)

so here I am now strolling around the city and of course enjoying my free time.

since being a king is hard and you are always busy with paper works.

while I was busy strolling and eating my food a problem suddenly appeared.


"It's a Thief!!"

'Huh? a thief?'

'now that's rare.'

I saw the thief running in my direction.

while carrying an apple.

but what the most surprising was that the thief was a little child.

around 6-7 years old.

and when she was near me.

I grabbed her by the collar of her clothes.

and lifted her.

"Gehh... let go of me, Mister!!"

she struggled but it was futile because it's me your MC. (HEE... HEE...)

but then she bit my hand.

which made Souie and the shadows guarding around me come out.

and pointed their weapons at her.

but I stopped them.

"Nope, drop your weapons all of you."

"But, Rimuru-sama."

"no, drop it right now. she's just a kid she can't do me no harm."

after all, I'm your great MC. (HEE... HEE...)

they dropped their weapons and returned to my shadows.

the owner then caught up with the police patrol behind him.

"There you are!!"

the human owner of the shop shouts at the child.

which made the child struggle even more.

and now her biting turned into scratching, punching, kicking and many more attacks she could come up with.

but it was all useless.

"Let go of me!!"

she shouts at me.

this poor child, and here I thought I didn't have any beggars or abandoned children here in my country.

I was wrong.

I guess I'm not a great MC after all. (SAD HEE... HEE...) 

<< Master this child is not from this country so there is no need to worry.>>

'Is that so? I guess thanks for comforting me Ciel.'

<<As always.>>  

"thief the patrols are now here to take you~~ wahhhhh..."

the owner was gonna go grab the kid but I guess he finally saw me.

he looked at his back and saw patrols kneeling.

he then kneeled at me.

"Your majesty, I'm sorry for the trouble."

the child then looked at me with amazement.

'Cute, I guess she didn't know I'm the king here'

I thought and giggled.

"You can stand up now."

they all stand up.

"thank you for your forgiveness, your majesty."

he bowed.

"yeah, yeah but how much did this child take from you?"

"uh... only about 3 apples."

"and how much is that?"

"only 1 copper, your majesty."


I gave him 1 gold coin.

"your majesty, what are you~~"

"It's the payment for what she took."

"but this is too much."

he wanted to give it back to me.

but I refused.

"just keep it, consider it payment for letting her go too."


"No butts, just go ahead and take it. It's an order."

he then took the money and goes back to his shop.

and I also ordered the patrols behind him to spare the child go back to their posts.

and also told the people that gathered because of the commotion to get back to what they were doing.

so it's just me and child now.

and carried her in my shoulder now.

she was still sparkling her eyes right now.

"Woah, mister!! just what are you?"

she asked me with such an amazed tone.

"would you believe me if I say I'm the boss around here?"

I asked her with a proud look on my face.

which she nodded multiple times.

"mmhhm... mmhhm..."


"then how about we forget about our grudges and we go home now."

I said to her but then she looked gloomy.

"Mister I don't have a home."

'well... I expected that.'

"don't worry my house is so big so you can live there and with lots of delicious food."


"Yeah!! so do you want to come?"

"of course!!"

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